Chapter 3: The Camp Across The Lake

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I stand in my dad's office the next morning, watching him pace around the room.

"Dad, just tell me already. What's going on?" I chew on my bottom lip in worry.

He was never like this - stressed, worried. In fact, he was the exact opposite of that. Nothing fazes my dad so whatever is going on must be bad.

"It's the camp."

"Obviously. What about the camp?"

"Someone wants to buy us out. They want to take our camp, Autumn."

"Who? Who wants to take it?"

My heart thuds against my chest. We couldn't lose the camp. I couldn't lose the camp. It felt more like my home than our house in the city. I couldn't imagine my summers - my life - without it. I grew up here.

"Steven Davis."


Steven Davis was the dick who owned the camp  across the lake - Camp Wilderman. We have always had trouble with those guys. Let's just say they are loaded over there. I swear some of them shit diamonds. I hate them.

You would think the parents would be the only problems, right? Wrong. The kids are worst. Absolute assholes. Every single one of them.

I know from first hand experience. I dated Malik Davis, the douche himself, when I was 16. I spent a lot of my summer on the other side of the lake that year. Waste of time if you ask me.

All they do over there is lay in the sun, drinking some weird, fancy beverages. Sometimes there would be a game of volleyball or maybe some swimming by the docks. Other than that? Nothing.

"Steven Davis? Are you kidding me? Please tell me you're not even considering it!" When my dad doesn't say anything I start to panic. "Dad! Look at me right now and tell me you're not considering it!"

"I can't tell you that, Auto."

My heart drops.

My dad continues, "He is offering more than this camp is worth. I know how much this place means to you - to me. But it's a lot of money that we could really use." He looks up at my face that had dropped into a frown. "Hey now, don't get upset. I haven't agreed to anything. It was just an offer."

"How long until you have to make a decision?"

"The end of the summer. One week before camps close, to be specific."

Camp ends the last week of August. We had time.


"Why is that good exactly? What are you thinking?" My dad raises his eyebrows, waiting for an answer.

"You're not selling this camp. I don't care what you say. By the end of the summer, you won't even be considering it." I state, crossing my arms.

"And how exactly are you going to go about this?"

"Guess you'll have to find out. I have to keep you on your toes, old man." I tease, smiling when he scowls.

"Alright. Now get to work before I send the raccoons after you."

"Yes, sir." I mock salute him and march out the doors.

When I get outside, I get flash-banged by the sun. My vision goes white and I squint aggressively against the light.

"Need some sunglasses, Tuffs?"

I squint over to see Ace and the others chuckling.

"I do, actually." I start on my way back to the Beaver Cabin to pick up my sunglasses.

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