Chapter 8: The Seedlings

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"Alright, you rats! Listen up!" Archer's voice rings out around the clearing.

After all the campers had shown up we had herded them towards the pit and sat them down. They were bursting with energy so we had to make it quick. Archer was the easiest way to do that.

The six of us stood on top of the benches, looking down on the Seedlings. I've been avoiding Ace's gaze since this morning. I hadn't told anyone about that night and he wasn't going to change that.

I turn my attention back to Archer. He loves giving the opening day speech.

"Welcome to Beaver Falls Summer Camp! You'll be staying with us for the next few weeks. A couple rules before we let you roaches run loose."

Thirty-seven pairs of eyes look back at him. A couple kids smile, others look like they might cry. The usual.

"One! No wandering off where your Head Counsellor can't see you! Yes, that includes going on adventures into the forest without us." He pauses, letting his words settle. "Two! If you need anything, please come to one of us," Archer points to himself then to each of us, "We will help you out!"

I can't stop myself from peaking over at the others. Evie and Charlotte are smiling as per usual, Dax standing awkwardly. He hates being the centre of attention. My eyes catch on Ace.

He's grinning, showing off his dimples. The kids in front of him are looking at him with wide eyes. I pull my gaze away before he catches me staring.

"Three! We are using the buddy system. Pick a buddy when you go to the bathroom. Pick a buddy when you go for food. If you are going anywhere bring a buddy with you!" Archer emphasizes this rule. It's one of the most important. "Four! This is the most important!" It really isn't. "Have fun!"

The campers clap and start to shuffle around. I shout out before they stop listening.

"Okay! Every camper report to their Head Counsellor and we will get stuff going."

The six of us jump down to the ground and spread out. Soon enough we each have our campers and we are headed to the cabins. The kids have to drop off their shit.

"Alright campers," I start when I get them all settled in. "Who wants to go swimming?"

I have four girls and three boys. Not that I've already picked a favourite, but Charlie is my favourite. He is the cutest kid I've seen.

He has huge brown eyes, chubby cheeks, and fluffy hair. I could hug him to death, I swear.



A roar of approval answers my suggestion. I smile. This group knew what's up.

"Alright. Everyone get changed and we will head down as soon as you're done." I nod my head and walk outside to let them do their thing.

My friends come out of their own doors a couple minutes after. We meet at the spot where all the paths connect.

"How are your campers this year?" I ask the girls, who arrive first.

"Oh they are just adorable. All super open and eager too. They can't wait to go swimming." Evie answers.

"Mine too." Lottie jumps in, "although there is one pretty shy one."

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