Songbird (Teacher!AU Pt. 3)

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Stuart had probably been a bit too excited when he received a text from Rus. Being a substitute had proven to be much more fun than he anticipated, Russell loved talking about his class but he had complaints every now and then. Sadly, the text was not about subbing the class. Instead he was being asked to attend a practice for the Chorus Performance. Stu thought the kids were very sweet, so of course he would take the opportunity to spend more time with them. He sent back his response and Russell told him it was going to be after the usual class that day, so he had a few hours to get presentable. Stu tossed his phone to the edge of the bed then went to take a shower.

Professor Hobbs' class was setting up for their practice, making sure all the mics worked and figuring out where they were to stand. They were going to run through about half the songs and next week they were going to go over the other half, all the while working out any kinks that arose. (Y/N) was sitting with her friends near the stage, chatting away about random things while they waited for Professor Hobbs to tell them where to go. While they sat there, the door to the auditorium opened up behind them. At first (Y/N) assumed it was a student who was running late, but when she saw how Professor Hobbs reacted after the doors closed again. He gave an amused smile and waved the newcomer over to the stage. Professor Hobbs wasn't a standoffish or mean teacher, but he smiled rather rarely.

"Rus, mate!" (Y/N) immediately knew that voice and she sank down in her chair a bit as Stuart walked past her and her friends to get up to the stage. With his long strides it took barely any time at all, and he was able to just step up on to the stage with zero effort. One of (Y/N)'s friends playfully nudged her as they watched Stu, in his casual old school rock n roll shirt and blue jeans, talk to their professor like the old friends they were.

(Y/N) watched, getting a little lost as she watched him move his hands around excitedly as he talked, his foot also tapping with some excess energy. But her friends nudged her again, a bit harder this time and her focus went to Professor Hobbs, who was gesturing to the stage. She and her friends hurriedly went up to the stage to their spots. Stu went down to the seats with Russell, who signaled the class to start up with their first song.

The practice went about as well as they expected, stumbling here and there and Rus would give some notes and they would start again. Usually, (Y/N) was able to stay on course but whenever her eyes would roam over to Stuart and he was just smiling up at them, she couldn't help but stumble over her notes. He looked so, so...handsome when he smiled. She missed an opening and Professor Hobbs stopped them again.

"Ms. (L/N)? Is there a problem?" (Y/N) blushed darkly from being called out and quickly shook her head. Professor Hobbs crossed his arms then looked at his watch. "Everyone take ten." He stands up and Stu seems to excuse himself before leaving the theater.

(Y/N) hides her face in her hands as she sits down on the raised stage. "Ugh...I'm going to go get some water..." She stands back up and goes to walk off stage.

"Thirsty, (Y/N)?" One of her friends teases and she just rolls her eyes, her cheeks still burning. She leaves the theater to find a water fountain. The closest fountain was right next to the bathroom and when (Y/N) walked up to it, she brushed her hair out of her face and leaned down to cool herself down. While she was drinking a hand suddenly rests on her back, making her jump up with an alarmed yet choked up shriek.

Stu stood there with his hands up and an apologetic look on his face. "Sorry! I, uh, thought you heard me walk up." His smile creeps back and he puts his hands in his pockets. "You guys sound awesome by the way."

Despite the cold water she just drank, (Y/N) was blushed once again but she tried to swallow down her nervousness. "Thank you, thanks uh, Stu." She matches his smile. "I'm sure you sound better though, you sing right?"

Stu nods, chuckling a bit. "You could say that. I can certainly hold a tune, at least I hope so." He laughs again, encouraging (Y/N) to relax and laugh with him. "Oh, but you're a little songbird aren't you?" He leans back with a charming grin.

"S..songbird? That's, uh, that's a nice compliment. Thank you." (Y/N) takes a step forward, though she doesn't really know why. It just felt right in the moment.

Stu bites his bottom lip as he looks down at her. "Well, it's true. You're a...a cute little songbird." He leans down a bit. It was hard to tell where he was looking, due to the lack of pupils, but (Y/N) still licked her lips. "Very cute," he whispers. "Hey? Uh.."

"Ya?" (Y/N) moves just an inch closer.

Stu sucks in a breath before leaning down to give (Y/N) a kiss. It was soft, almost hesitant, for the first few seconds before (Y/N) felt his hands move to her waist and pull her against him. She had her hands against his chest, lightly gripping his shirt. His lips started to move against hers, his head tilting as he showed off his obvious experience. (Y/N) was starting to feel light as a feather, her heart fluttering against her chest yet pounding in her ears, drowning out any coherent thought. He's the first one to pull back, his breath intermingling with hers.

(Y/N) slowly opens her eyes to look at him. "Th...thank you."

He chuckles and rubs her hip. "My pleasure. I'll see ya around, songbird." He kisses her forehead before letting go of her waist and walking away.

(Y/N) watches him, eventually getting her heartbeat under control, then grabs another drink of water. It was getting close to ten minutes and she had to be back in the theater soon. She could mull over this later, in her room, in her bed. She shook her head to try and clear her thoughts then ran back.

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