2D x Reader (Proposal)

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(Haha! I'm here, I'm queer, and full of existential fear, but that won't stop me from uploading...sometimes. Sorry for the long absence, but college is starting to take up some time now. I will still try to upload every Sunday, or at least on the weekends we'll see how I fair. Anyway, here's a nice little fic to make up for the time lost. Enjoy!

Warning: For those not really into heavy smut or stuff like that look out for "***", they will signal the begin and end of the smut section.)

It was May 23, 2002, the 24th birthday of the one and only Stuart Pot, aka 2D. He wasn't too keen on celebrating, as this was not too long after Gorillaz had broken up, but his pal Shane Lynch was determined on cheering Stu up. He decided a simple night out drinking would be enough to cheer up the singer, so Shane took him to a decent pub claiming it was just a simple guys night. 2D agreed and off they went, 2D not knowing the little surprise Shane had planned.

The pair entered the pub a few hours before midnight, so the small establishment was rather empty. Shane ushered 2D deeper into the pub, towards the bar stools, past a table with the only other bar patrons seated around it: a few girls sitting with, who could be considered, their boyfriends. But one girl appeared to not have a partner, as there were only two other girls and two guys. 2D paid them no mind as he climbed onto a stool and ordered a simple beer, Shane got the same. As they drank, not much happened. They talked about life in general, what good shows were on these days, the best place to get a good sandwich, everyday chatter. It wasn't until one of the girls walked up to the bar, the one without a presumed partner, and ordered a soda that 2D's attention was drawn away from Shane.

"Just the soda please," she said softly, holding out a ten. The tender nodded and promptly gave her a can.

"No drinks tonight, (Y/N)?" He asked, cleaning one of the cups.

"Ya. I'm trying to hold back, still going through the breakup and all." She sipped her soda, unaware of the blue-haired boy listening in on the conversation. The bartender nodded and (Y/N) went back over to the table, 2D watching her walk away.

"Who's dat?" He asks Shane, who was smiling as he took a drink.

"A friend of mine, (Y/W/N) is her name and she is one of the regulars here." He takes another drink. "You should go talk with her," he said before finishing his drink. 2D didn't move, his black eyes watching the table with apprehension. "Go on then, I'm sure she'd like the company." As he said this, one of the couples got up and stumbled out of the pub, clearly drunk out of their minds, leaving (Y/N) to be the third wheel of the group. She looked over at the pair and smiled; even if it was meant for Shane, 2D felt his heart skip a beat when he saw a small glint of joy in her eyes.

"Alright," he whispered, slowly standing up with his drink hand shaking some. Shane gave him a helpful pat on the back then ordered another beer. 2D carefully walked over to the table, (Y/N) watching him from the corner of her eye. "Ello," he greeted softly, his other hand moving up to rub his neck out of awkwardness.

The second couple looked up at him, the girl smiling wide. "Hey! Neat eyes, are those contacts?" She leaned closer from her seat, trying to get a better look at him, her boyfriend keeping her from falling out. (Y/N) gave a small wave, staying quiet as her friend inspected 2D's appearance.

The man took a moment to answer, stuttering as he tried to answer the abrupt question. "N-no...it's my...my real eyes."

The girl nodded, seemingly not deterred, and went back to chattering away with her boyfriend. 2D sat next to (Y/N) and sipped his beer, not knowing if he should start a conversation or if he should wait for her to.

2D x Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now