Good Singer

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Hey guys! Sorry for the daily once again, hope I can make it up to y'all. Wanted to quickly let you know, I'm always up for requests for new chapters and stuff like that. Just message me or put it in the comments and I'll see what I can do. Anyways, enjoy this chapter and look for a new fan favourite dropping soon. Peace and Love. 


Stu woke up that Sunday morning not expecting much more than a regular day. Of course there had been some changes to his daily routine due to him moving in his new girlfriend, but the joy of waking up next to his angel everyday was more than enough encouragement for him. He had insisted she move in the moment she graduated college, promising to handle any expenses because he loved her that much and needed something to spend all his rockstar money on besides Murdoc's drinking problem.

But this morning, as he opened his abysmal eyes, he found that his angel, his (Y/N), was not in bed with him. Once he processed the situation, he launched out of the bed, hopping on a foot to catch his balance as he scanned the room. She wasn't here at all. Where could she be? He tugged on some pants, noticing her clothes from last night were still where he had thrown them so she hadn't left, probably. They were still moving in all of her belongings from her parents house, her clothes being a part of that. Pushing those thoughts aside, Stu quickly checked the bathroom only to find that empty as well. He was starting to genuinely worry. He walked further into the house and was surprised to find the smell of French toast floating through the air. She He continued walking, going slower and listening for anything odd, but instead he heard something quite pleasant. Someone was singing, and they were singing very well. Could this be his (Y/N)? He turned the corner of the kitchen and leaned against the archway, crossing his arms and smiling as he discovered (Y/N) standing next to the oven and singing along with the radio, some soft love song. And she was in fact making some French toast to go along with the eggs she had already made.

Stu silently crept up behind her then rested his hands on her hips. He had been so distracted by her singing that he was just now noticing that she was wearing a pair of his boxers with one of his shirts. She was so beautiful, he couldn't help but love her with all his heart. He was so caught up in his love that actually wasn't hearing what she was saying to him.

"Oh, sorry love. What were you saying?" He gently squeezed her hips and pulled her closer to him.

(Y/N) gasped at his movements. "I was saying," she pressed her hips back into him, "that you scared me. Why did you sneak in here?" She placed the pan of French toast off the heat then turned to wrap her arms around his neck.

Stu bit his lip as he smiled down at her. "I heard you singing and didn't want to interrupt you right away." He moved down to kiss her neck. "It was very pretty, where'd you learn to sing like that?"

"Choir," she mumbled while a blush grew across her face. "And thank you, baby."

"Who knew my angel was also a little songbird?" He lifted her up while his kisses went further down her neck. He was already starting to carry her back to the bedroom.

"Baby!" She laughed and lightly hit his shoulder. "I made breakfast!"

"It'll still be here when we're done." His hand slid under the shirt she had on, making her shiver with how cold his skin was.

"Good point, let's go."

"I'm gonna make you sing all day, baby bird." Once in the bedroom, he kicked the door closed with his foot, shutting them off from the outside world.

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