2D x Reader (Bad Singer Pt 2)

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(Ah! I missed a day, sorry guys. Hope this little update makes it better. Love you guys and don't forget to comment suggestions!)

It was nearing noon when 2D started to worry for (Y/N). As he sat in the kitchen, not having moved or even really eaten since she left, his thoughts became worse and worse on what could've happened to his beloved girlfriend. Finally, he decided to just get it together and call her. When he clicked on her number, however, it went straight to voicemail. He left a text, explaining how sorry he was and how he wanted to take it back and that he just wanted her to come back home. A few more minutes ticked by torturously slow as he waited for any kind of response, but nothing. 2D groaned and tucked his phone in his pocket before grabbing a jacket and stepping out into the brisk London air. He was going to find her, there were a few places he knew she liked to go to whenever she got stressed so he would check their first. He had to find her, he had to apologize, he didn't want to lose her over something like this.

2D had spent the better part of an hour looking for (Y/N). He had checked the park, a nearby gazebo, her favorite restaurant, her favorite cafe, he even checked the pet store. And of course, he continuously checked his phone for a call or text back. He sat on a bench and was ready to just go home, hoping she had gone back to their apartment when he got a call from Noodle.

"Ello?" He answered quickly. (Y/N) and Noodle were pretty good friends, maybe she knew something.

"Hey, can you tell me why (Y/N) is on my couch right now, balling her eyes out?" She sounded annoyed, but 2D knew she was also very concerned for her friend.

"She's with you? Oh, thank God! I'll be over in a bit."

"Ey wait!" She demanded. "Answer the question first."

2D sighed. "Alright...we got in a small fight. But!" He added quickly. "I need to apologize. Please, if I can't come over ...put her on the phone? Please, Noodle.." He begged softly. There was some silence on the other end, then 2D heard some whispering, the shuffling of the phone, then some soft sniffles coming from the other line. "(Y/N)? Luv is that you?" He asked gently.

"Ya." Her voice was hoarse, from crying he assumed, and very quiet.

"(Y/N) I'm so sorry for what I said," he started. "I should've thought about it more, I should've asked before just blurting out the idea. I..I..." he trailed off. "If I could redo that whole conversation, I would. I never wanted to make you uncomfortable.."

(Y/N) was silent for some time before she cleared her throat and answered. "I...I'm going to be staying with Noodle and her girlfriend for a bit. I just need time to regroup, okay? When I'm ready to see you again, I'll send you a text."

Before 2D could respond, the phone was back in Noodle's hand. "Hey. Don't worry too much for her. I know you two love each other a lot, but maybe take this time to really think about some stuff. Call back anytime." He could hear the compassionate smile in her voice before she hung up.

The man sat there for a while until the sunset and the streetlamps turned on. This was his fault, he didn't think. He never thinks...

With a sigh, he stood up and slowly walked back to his, lonely apartment. His head hung down as he replayed the conversation in his head over and over again, thinking...thinking of ways it could've gone better. His hand was wrapped around his phone inside his jacket pocket, hoping for it to vibrate or ring. But it was silent the whole walk home, and when he entered his apartment, he tossed it on the couch and sulked up to his room before just collapsing on the bed, keeping his eyes wide open as the night slowly passed by.

2D x Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now