Baby Bird

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Hospitals never sat well with Stuart. For a lot of reasons. And he generally tried to avoid them. But this, this was an absolute exception. The whole process had him on edge from the moment (Y/N) showed him that positive pregnancy test up to him now sitting outside the delivery room. A kid, another kid, but this was different. It had to be different. He would try harder, actually stay in their life this time.

He nearly jumped when a nurse came out to get him, telling him it was okay for him to come in now. His legs moved before he could mentally prepare and he nearly fell on top of the poor girl, before thanking her and stumbling into the room. (Y/N) was holding the newborn in her arms, softly talking to them, before she looked up to smile at Stu. Her eyes were sparkling, still wet with some tears, and he immediately went over to her to give her a short kiss. He's given a chair and he pulls up as close to the bed as he could. The nurse left to give them some time alone.

"" Stu looks at the kid for a bit. "How is she?" A little girl, resembling her mother far more than her dad but he was perfectly okay with that. When she opened her eyes, however, his breath caught slightly. A brilliant blue, just like his used to be. "Did, did ya decide on a name?" He asks and looks back up at (Y/N).

"I wasn't really sure," she says while gently caressing the baby's cheek. "I wanted you in here when I chose one, it seems like something we should do together, you know?" She laughs softly.

Stu nods and looks back at the kid as he starts to think. " do you feel Robin?" He smiles at her and lets her grab his finger, chuckling softly. "My two baby birds," he mumbles afterwards.

(Y/N) grins and nods. "Robin sounds perfect, babe." She pulls him into another kiss. "Could you hold our little Robin for a bit? I'm so tired, and I want her to get to know you." She helps Stu pick up and properly hold the baby girl.

"You get some sleep, songbird." He leans back in his chair and smiles down at Robin as (Y/N) closes her eyes. "Hey baby girl," he whispers as to not disturb (Y/N). "Gosh you're just as beautiful as your mum." Robin makes some baby noises and Stuart chuckles again. There were tears welling up in his black eyes. "Oh, ya my eyes...well you don't seem too scared of 'em. Glad you didn't somehow inherit them. Nah, you got some lovely blue peepers." He taps Robin's small nose. "You're so small," he chokes back a sob. "I ain't never gonna let anything happen to you. I promise." He very, very gently kisses her forehead. "I promise."

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