Chapter 30: Unsettling Welcome

Start from the beginning

"Uh, morning, Auxi," Kuiru greets.

"Hyperactive as always," I put in.

"Yep! Today was my time trying a drink of my mom's coffee before coming here!" She grabs her head by the sides. "I see fricken everything!"

I glance to my porcupine friend. "Go ahead and kill me now."

"It'll wear off, I'm sure."

"And if not, remember we'll be stuck in the woods with this," Samae reminds, walking up to join us. "Yeah, what could possibly go wrong?"

"Well, at least she'll probably use it all on camp activities."

"Hey, guys!" A familiar voice calls, prompting us to turn around and spy Luna casually walking over.

"Morning, Luna," Kuiru greets. "Excited for camp?"

"Uh-huh. I'm just waiting for some classmates of mine. We're all trying to find each other before one of us ends up with Monoma as our seat buddy."

"That would be greatly horrifying," a new voice deeply groans from behind, scarring all of us, especially Auxi, who screams and leaps behind Samae.

The new guy looks your typical emo, long, black hair covering the right half of his face, slumped over, and his hands shoved deep in his pockets.

"Bro," she breathes. "Where did you come from?!"

"My parents," he bluntly replies.

"Yo, Kyor!" Samae exclaims, raising a high-five. "What's up?"

"The sky," he simply answers, lazily returning the gesture. Is he just gonna answer everything in two word sentences?

"You making progress, man?" Samae continues. "Do you know your classmates names?"

"Some of them."

"Do you remember my name?"


"Fair enough."

"Am I missing something?" Tojuta asks.

"Oh right!" Samae snaps his fingers and gestures to the emo. "This is Kyor, the 1-B student I worked with at my internship. He's crazy strong, though not great with his memory."

"Just names," the student, or Kyor corrects.

"That's fine," Tojuta smiles at him. "It happens to most everyone." He holds out his hand to shake. "I'm Kuiru Tojuta!"

Kyor takes it. "I'm not gonna remember it." He looks up and points at or behind Samae. "I think she's trying to get your attention."

Surprised, we look behind Samae and Auxi at another girl with short cinnamon hair. Auxi, again, screams and darts in front of Samae from the surprise. "C'mon! It's too early for this!" Her eyes widen though. "Hey, I know you!"

The girl silently crosses her arms as I stare at her. I've seen her from somewhere, too. Maybe just add some features on her arms and...!

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