Vincent stood from his bed. "Take your disgusting hands off of her."  He demanded.

"Oh, does this bother you?"  The doctor chuckled and placed his other hand between her thighs, squeezing her private area so hard that she let out a pained gasp.  When she tried to pull away, his grip around shoulders tightened.  "Don't even move."

Stella wanted to speak up.  She wanted to tell him that she would turn him in to the authorities if he didn't release her, but her voice was gone.

"What's wrong with you!?" Vincent stepped closer to them, "You can't treat people this way!"

"Why not?  You did the same to thing to Emily Hayden, and I'll bet you enjoyed every minute of making her feel like a whore, didn't you?"

"Don't use my past as an excuse!"  He wanted to step closer, to stop the doctor, but he knew that if he even tried, the consequences would be dire.  "You're supposed to help people like me, not make my life a living hell.  You should be ashamed."

"There is no helping you.  You are who you are, and no one has the ability to change that."

Vincent's eyes lowered to the floor.

"See? You know it, don't you?"

"Maybe," His eyes shifted back up, "But why do you have to torment Stella? She's done nothing to you."

The doctor released her, then gave her a hard smack on the bottom. "I take care of my nurses. When I see that they're sexually frustrated, I help them."

That comment was all it took to change the course of all three of their lives.  The primal instinct to protect herself went berserk in Stella, and in one swift motion, she grabbed the blue pen that was in the doctor's coat pocket and jammed it in his neck.

The doctor fell to his knees and tried to scream in pain, but nothing came out.  He pulled helplessly at the pen lodged in his neck.  The pain was so intense that tears began to stream down his face.

Vincent watched it happen, his mouth agape.

Stella's body trembled in anger, until she came to her senses and realized what she had done.

"Oh, my God!"  She cried, clasping the sides of her face.  "What have I done?"

Vincent stepped around the doctor and took hold of her shoulders.  "Calm down," He said, though his voice was as shaky as hers.  "We can fix this."

"No, we can't!  He's going to die!!"

"No, he won't. You didn't hit his jugular."

"But he'll tell the police! I'll go to prison!"

Vincent held his hand in front of her face. "Stella, you have to lower your voice. I can take care of this, but not if your screams bring Earl running in here.  Be quiet and let me think for a minute."

"There's nothing we can do," She whispered, "I know his schedule like the back of my hand. He's due to visit another patient in a minute. If he doesn't show up, someone will look for him."

"How long do we have?"

"What does it matter? I'm screwed no matter-"

"God damn it, Stella! Will you please stop with the negativity for two second and answer me!"

Stella froze like a stunned deer caught in a pair of headlights.  He had never spoken to her that way before.  The desperation in his eyes scared her.

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