I just want..

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If she was awed by the office she did not show it. By now I realised that Lemon is more reserved than Can and that is making it hard to read her. I need to know if she is impressed by all these or hates my rich spoilt ass.
Why though? Why does it matter what she thinks?

"Thank you for agreeing to speak to me. I know you are busy but I thought we need to talk about those memberships." Lemon declared not letting out a whisker of emotion. Does she think it was too much? I shouldn't have done it. Should I apologise?

"It's alright, I am not that busy. What exactly do we need to talk about the memberships?" I said not apologising against my better judgment. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow as if rethinking my intelligence.
"The fact they are so expensive for one. And the fact that we don't even know each other, should be enough reasons."

"I was trying to do something for Can," I said with a nonchalant expression. Thank God for years of practice at it.
"From what I gathered, he didn't even ask you." She said raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, he doesn't ask me for anything. I just didn't want him to think much about you. Not that I want him to stop thinking about you, you are his sister and therefore his responsibility. Not that you always want someone thinking and doing stuff for you. Not that no one should help you. Not that you need help for anyone in anything-" I pause a second to make sense of what I am trying to say. "I'll just stop talking for a minute."

Lemon just sits with an expression that says 'what the hell' but she says nothing. Tin it's a high school student, not the Queen just calm down. You don't have to impress anyone.
'Are you sure?' Another voice calls out.

All I wanted to do was give myself a lecture about control of thoughts but the thought of this interaction getting weirder stopped me.
"I get it. But why are you doing this for Can?" If she was spooked out by me, Lemon sure didn't let her voice betray any emotions.

"We are friends." I declared as if that is supposed to explain everything and in my mind, it did explain everything. None of my current friends( not that I had many ) ever needed anything financially, so maybe that's why I did not know when I was going overboard with what I was doing for Can.

I just wanted Can to be happy. I wanted Can to tell me about all his problems next time and trust me to solve them. I wanted Can to accept my offer and come stay at my house as a manager. I want Lemon to stop staring at me as if she is trying to gauge some withheld intentions.
All of these thoughts are normal right?

What on earth is happening? His stoic face and demeanour don't match the sentences that come out of his mouth at all. He says he did it because they are 'friends' but who on earth spends so much on friends? This rich piece of block wood that's who.

How is my blabbering child of a brother even friends with him? P'Tin is so stiff and I feel like he is even monitoring his emotions and expressions. I feel like I have to be serious and even started unconsciously mirroring his stiffness.

"We can't pay you back,P'Tin" I tell him cautiously.
"Didn't Can tell you?"
I wanted to yell 'That albino monkey doesn't tell me anything. I didn't even know he was friends with you' but refrained from that. Instead, I put on a questioning face.

"I told him he could manage my household. My house will be closer to Can's college as well as your gym and salon." He explains and I am already convinced before he is done. Why not? Even if it does sound like slavery for money it is a win-win.

"Can I work too? So that Can will get some rest. He has online jobs along with this and gets tired-" I was cut off by a mildly astounded Tin.
"He does other jobs?"

"Yes, I tried to stop him but he is always trying to save up. Can says we don't have enough savings for medical emergencies." I confide in Tin. I have never really talked about our financial situation to anyone other than Can. And every time I try to convince Can to chill out a little bit he gets started on how we need to have savings at all times.

"I was going to pay Can for being our household manager. I am not sure how much the previous one used to get but he'll get as much as him. And you don't have to work, Can is doing all this so that you could have a better life. I'll make sure he quits all those online jobs and gets enough time for himself don't worry." Even as Tin is speaking to me I can't help but wonder why he is being so kind to us. Despite showing no external emotion, he sounds- worried for us.

"How will we pay you back if give Can a salary?" I ask confused about how this exchange works.
"You can pay me back when you have money. For now, I just want Can to take up this job."
"Why?" Is the immediate question that I can't stop myself from asking.

"Well, initially I felt that your house is too far away from the college and the office but now after knowing that he is overexerting himself, I think this will be perfect." Tin concludes with a very thin smile gracing his lips. I feel extremely conflicted about trusting him.

He seems so mysterious like he has an inner motive behind everything he does.
All I have to figure out is if that motive is on the good side or the bad side.
I nod in agreement to his plan and then a real smile makes way on his face. Wow, he is handsome.
If he means harm to P'Can, I'll handle it as I will be there. If he doesn't then I'll be there to be happy for Can.

I am so sorry for not updating soon. Like ❤️

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