"Hey." Lauren greeted, tucking the phone between her shoulder and her ear so she can button her shorts up properly.

"Lo, do you need anything? I'm at the gas station real quick and I thought you might need some snacks to bring over to Camila's today." Normani asked Lauren from the other side of the line.

"Just grab anything that looks good, I'll pay you back when you get here." Lauren replied, as she hold the phone back in her hand after buttoning her shorts successfully.

"Alright..." Normani agreed. "By the way Ally said that she needs help with some baby stuff for tomorrow so make yourself available, I'm not sure what time though but don't forget or she'll kill me." Normani chuckled a little as she informed Lauren with some news from Ally.

"Yeah sure, she's with you right?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah, she's here picking out some more healthier snack options for herself but dang this girl is definitely eating for two..." Normani teased Ally.

"Just don't be mean to her." Lauren laughed light-heartedly, she then picks up the black singlet off the bed and puts it over her head so that she can finally finish getting dressed. "Be here soon." Lauren added.

"We'll be over in 15 minutes or so." Normani assured Lauren.

"Alright, I'll see you guys soon." Lauren then hanged up the phone.

Lauren quickly puts on some eyeliner, mascara and dries her hair before heading downstairs to grab some quick breakfast. As she reaches the kitchen, she can hear her mother and her father having a small discussion about a family trip.

"I'm not going."Lauren interrupted once she entered the kitchen and can fully hear the conversation.

"We had a feeling." Mike replied.

"That is why we are planning about the days we can take with you being left alone by yourself." Clara added.

"Mum, I'm old enough to take care of myself. I have money to feed myself and I'm quite sure that you guys aren't gonna let me starve whilst you go on a vacation." Lauren pointed out, leaning on the kitchen bench and eating some toaster waffles.

"The kid has a point." Mike agreed, taking the cup of coffee to his mouth to take a sip.

"We'll think about it." Clara dismissed.

"As long as I'm the only one gonna be left here I'm happy." Lauren chuckled a little, taking another bite out of the the waffle in her hand.

"We'll see dear..." Clara trailed off and returned to reading the paper.

Lauren continued to eat some toaster waffles and drinking some orange juice before she quickly washes up the dishes that she used and returned back to her bedroom.

Soon after she settled back down in her bedroom, Ally and Normani barged in Lauren's room with a couple of grocery bags in their hands filled with some junk food and soda.

"Have you two ever heard of knocking?" Lauren asked, as she sits up from her bed to make space for her friends.

"This is technically our house too." Ally commented as she places the bag down on the floor and taking a seat on the edge of Lauren's bed.

"How much food did you guys get?" Lauren asked, amused by the amount of food that Normani and Ally bought from the gas station.

"There's five of us and Ally's eating for two, so a lot." Normani dismissed, she too placing the bag on the floor and taking a seat on the bed.

"So what time are we going over there?" Normani asked.

"I'm not sure, I'll text Camz." Lauren grabs her phone from her back pocket and quickly texts Camila.

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