"I know." I sighed, rubbing my face exhaustedly. "I just...I'm not ready to have a conversation with him, Cass. I'm still angry...and when I'm angry, I'm not going to be a good listener, and it's going to make matters worse anyway."

Cassie nodded her head as she understood where I was coming from. "I hear you. I just don't think Jason had any malintent with what he did...after talking to Russ, he just seems clueless about boundaries."

"Yeah...I don't know." My shoulders shrugged as I listened to what she had to say.

"It's the truth, babes. You know I wouldn't lie to you. I'm on your side no matter what, and I agree with you that what Jason did was wrong, but I don't think he knew that at the time. You both need to sit down and have a conversation about what your boundaries and expectations are for one another, especially when it comes to having friendships with people of the opposite sex."

"I hate when you're right." I sulked.

Cassie let out a giggle as she rested a hand on my shoulder. "You should know by now that I'm always right, babes. Now come on, let's go shopping."

We ended up going to so many stores and boutiques, buying way more clothing than any newborn baby could ever need. I mean, he'd grow out of all this stuff in less than three months, but Cassie and I just couldn't stop grabbing things.

"I can't wait to see him wear these." I smiled, pulling out the little tiny Nike shoes I'd gotten him as Cassie plopped down in the passenger's seat.

"Oh, those are adorable babes. He's going to look precious in everything his god mommy got for him!"

"Let's go and get dinner. I'm starving." I insisted, starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot.

"The baby's craving a Philly sandwich. Let's go to a place that sells those."

"The baby's craving it?" I asked with a laugh.

"Well, duh! When have you ever known me to go out of my way for one? The little one has me craving all types of stuff I never knew I liked."

"Oh please, you've always eaten everything."

Cassie let out a loud laugh as she nodded her head in agreement. "You got me there, ba-Olivia!"

"What?!" I screamed, feeling myself grow panicked at her sudden outburst. I turned my head to look at what her gaze was locked on, and before I could even inhale deep enough to let out a scream, a pickup truck came hurling at us, smashing into the passenger side of my car.

It felt as if we were moving in slow motion as the force from the initial hit radiated through the car and my body. The sound of the metal crunching against the tarp road as the car flipped and then rolled was piercingly loud.

There was a sharp pain in my shoulder as the car came to rest on its hood, holding us trapped upside down. It was hard to see from all the smoke and debris that filled the car after the airbags had gone off. I'd never thought about how hard those damn things would shoot out.

My vision was filled with stars as all the blood in my body rushed to my head. I could feel a warm, thick liquid run down my face, and I winced as I tapped my forehead with my fingers. Scarlet red blood now stained them, and I realized I must have gashed my head open, but oddly enough, at this point, nothing hurt anymore. I was in shock.

However, no amount of shock could have numbed me enough to prepare me for what I saw when I turned my head to check on Cassie. My heart felt as if it had stopped dead in its tracks, and my blood iced over. The sheer panic that rose throughout me was strong enough to cause trimmers.

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