Planning the Big Day and an Unexpected Surpise

Start from the beginning

"Ahh, you scared me there" I said with a nervous giggle then continue,

"No unfortuantley not. He is on the plane and will he here tonight, if everything goes to plan" I inform the doctor of our plans. She smiles and nods eyes still fixed upon the papers. Her hands glide over the papers as did the nurse's who was in just hours before.

"Everything seems to be going really well. As you know I am here this morning to talk and discuss with you about delivery options and dates" I nod my head showing I understand and she continues.

"Now you understand this baby is still going the be pre-mature, but we will defientley will have a much higher survival rate than what we would have had all those weeks back if we had given birth than". I continue to nod my head silently taking in every word she says, so that I have a full understanding for when I have to relay this all back to when Harry gets in.

"As you probably already know we have to available options, a c-section, unfortuantley with your baby being pre-mature you will be unable to have a c-section. That should be alright shouldn't it?"

"Yep, that's fine. As long as I have a healthy and happy baby" I answer with a smile.

"Perfect" The Doctor and I kept on talking for another half an hour. Any question or query I had she answered with ease. She informed me on how I would have to be manually enduced and we discussed dates for the ocassion. We decided on Monday the 5th of September, four days away. We kept talking away until she had told me every little detail on every aspect of the whole process. Even though I had already given birth to one child, this birth is going to be completley different.

We ended on a good note. After she left I felt more prepared and a little less nervous about the whole thing. My eyes wandered up to the clock hanging aimlessly in the middle of the otherwise bare wall. It read 11:45am. Wow, the convosation between the Doctor and I had almost lasted for 4 hours. 4 hours, Niall could have replied. My arm jumps over to the table and I snatch my phone off of it and unlock it, only see that I have 0 new messages. I feel a little wave of dissapointment wash over me but it quickly fades when I hear the door handle rattle and the door and gently pushed open to reveal a brown curly haird boy with green piercing eyes.

"Harry" I gasp with shock and excitment all mixed into one. I try to get up but struggle with my big belly and being connected to cords and drips.

"Ah. Ah. Ah missy. Stay right there. I will come to you" He says in a very fatherly tone causing me to laugh at how funny he sounded. He dropped his bags and came straight over and kissing me square on the lips.

"Madi, you have no idea how much I have missed you" He says holding my hand in his

"I've missed you ten times more! I have been so lonely, I'm so glad your here! But your early?" I say ending with a smile.

"Well as soon as I got off the phone with you Simon said he had found us an earleir flight and that it left in 45 minutes so I didn't think twice. We went straight to the airport got on the plane and came straight here" A cheeky grin edging across his mouth.

"We?" and before I could  even finish the sentance Darcy came running into the room with Niall hot on her little heels. 

"Mummy" Her sweet little voice sings out as she runs/waddles across the room and over to my bed. I lift her little wriggling boyd up into my arms and hold her tight. 

"I've missed you mummy" Her little voice says quietly almost as a whisper in my ear.

"Baby, mummy has missed you so much as well" I whisper back and he little face lights up as she rests her head on my shoulder. I look up to be met by the boys soft eyes and I smile at them both.

"Madi your a wonderful mum, and your going to be great to Darcy and the new little one" Niall says patting Harry's back as he nods in agreement. 

"You really think so?" I smile to myself as I look back down at my beautiful baby girl who I'm holding tight in my arms.


Heeelloooo !!!!!!! 

awwh what a suprise !!!! they came earlyy. Madi is going to be a good mum, Niall is right (: Now, I need you guys to show me how much you like this book by doing me a favour. We need to comment and vote as much as we can so that Frozen In Time gets into the "Whats Hot List" No more updates until it gets there !!!! To do this, we need to vote eg. voting all my chapters. Commenting eg. comment and tell me what you want, if you liked it etc. And adding it too your reading library. As soon as this book hits the "What's Hot List" I will immediatley update !!!! I have chapters already done. So if you wanna find out if the baby is a girl or a boy, or if the baby survives, or there are complications, help me do this and the next chapters to come will answer all these questions !!!! love you alll <3


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