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"Explain yourself!"

Ryel told the little boy as he was a bit not pleased with what Cameron attempted to do.

"She deserves to die! She is Princess Amfrel, right?! The royal family isn't supposed to live anymore! They are the reason why Shiro was released! They weren't responsible enough to protect the crown and Shiro was freed! Why in the world is she alive?! I am going to kill you!"

Ryel glared at the boy and he instinctively gripped his neck that somehow weakened the boy from struggling too much. The princess commanded Ryel to let Cameron go and release him that Ryel was hesitant hearing her tell him so.

"Ryel, why did you do that? It isn't his fault if he wanted to kill me. He is just misunderstanding what is happening~"

The princess met Cameron's piercing glare but she didn't fret. She knew there was a misunderstanding of what was going on with Cameron so she asked straight on.

"Why did you think I deserved to die, Cameron?"

"Mom, told me. She told me that it is the royal family of Tailwind Kingdom's fault why Shiro was realeased from the seal. Because the king was stupid enough not to take care of the crown! And then my family and my friends and everyone are being punished because of the mistake of your family! I promised mom I will avenge them and Ester as well! Mom said she already died because of the sealing and it is your fault!"

Cameron shouted blaming every word he uttered to the princess and Ryel was supposed to shut him when the princess tried to talk to him but was interrupted when a flock of black birds came and attacked them.

"Ryel, bring Cameron!"

Kaejo called the young knight who quickly carried the boy even though he was likely pissed with him for saying those words to the princess. Kaejo let the princess to ride on his back and they fled away from the birds but they kept coming.

"How did they find us?!"

Ryel and Kaejo asked as they maintained their pace through every turn and trees they came across.

What happened next is that both Kaejo and Ryel slipped in a hole where a sudden lid closed and hid them from the birds until they left after hours that they didn't find them.


"Princess... Are you alright?"

Ryel came to the princess and he shut his mouth when he realized he called her princess again.

"I am sorry, Cameron."

The princess began when Kaejo brought her down and the boy was still angry towards her.

"Tsk~! As if you can bring Ester back?!"

Ryel quickly stopped Cameron from attacking and Kaejo only listened nearby.

"Who's Ester, Cameron?"

It was Erice's voice and they saw her with Fire, Hail, and Ochre appearing from above after they uncovered the pit and helped them out. It was Fire and the others who made the pit when they spotted the princess and the three and it was intended to help them from the black birds. The situation was then explained to the four and Fire asked to talk with Cameron alone but he was stubborn enough.

Erice already applied a tonic and used it on the princess' ankle before Cameron spoke up again when Hail interrogated him.

"You said your mom told you about the royal family's mistake, right? But why did you dare to kill the princess?"

"Why do you need to hear?! You wouldn't understand! She is part of it that Shiro is making my family suffer along with everyone! They were so careless! Irresponsible! They never considered the safety of everyone! Because if not, Ester could have-"

And Cameron didn't finish because he already cried and they soon learned that Ester is Cameron's closed friend whom he got a liking to. They also learned more about how Cameron met his mother without them knowing.

Fire then told the boy that it wasn't his mother he met. It was a shapeshifter and was probably one of the birds the reason why they were attacked. Ochre also remembered that the mountain they were currently in is the mountain where he was chased after by Shiro's men when he escaped after being sold by his people. He told them that it was eventually cursed by Shiro the reason why the fog come and go from time to time and silence rules the mountain.

They didn't tackle more of the incident and only headed to go down the mountain with Cameron and he was soon convinced that he was fooled by the impostor who pretended to be his mom that night.


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