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"Invisible Threat"

{ιν α ονcε υπον α τιμε}

The midday heat was already peeping through the foliages and the three finished up eating so they readied to leave the area when they heard the approaching men of Shiro.

It so happen that there was a slope ahead and they ended up sliding down from there and ended up in a strange lagoon.

"Princess, are you alright?! Oh.. I mean-"

"I am fine, Ryel...."

The princess said as she was supported to stand up and she only gave Ryel a gaze.

Right at the moment, Kaejo got up on his feet and was utterly brought to panic after looking around him.

"How unfortunate~ Of all places.... Here??"

Kaejo muttered with a sense of stress in his voice and it made Ryel to ask him about the lagoon.

"Shhh.. We wouldn't want to wake the guardian of this place~" Warned Kaejo and he quietly regrouped with Ryel and the princess.

"What guardian? Is there some odd creature here, you say??"

The princess asked in whisper being kept behind the two guys and Ryel drew his sword.

"No one sees this guardian as it is invisible to the eyes of a defiled person. Only a pure aura can manifest its appearance and get spared by its rage or deadly jaws. I have been here once. I almost died that time but I was miraculously saved."

Kaejo mentioned and they heard a strange sound from around them that they couldn't point out where it was coming from. Keajo drew the pocketknife he has been carrying with him and they silently tried to figure out where the threat will come from.

A minute passed when something hard suddenly hit them and brought them stumbling on the ground without a fight. Ryel tried to swing his sword but only cut through air. Another blow hit them without fail like being whipped one after another and they failed to launch a counterattack.

Both Ryel and Kaejo were badly wounded already after being thrown away several times and the princess was now lifted as if tangled up by invisible tentacles that made her cry in pain.


Both Ryel and Kaejo shouted upon hearing the loud sounds given by the invisible creature and that is when the necklace worn by the princess gleamed and glowed blinding the creature and allowed the princess to be released that Ryel quickly caught her from the fall.

"Watch out!"

Ryel managed to dodge the attack even though he couldn't see the enemy and he laid the princess before mustering his strength back and attcked the invisible creature with the instruction of the princess. He managed to cut the bulky tentacles but the creature spit an acidic liquid that melted Ryel's sword.

He only then dodged the acids but was still burned on a part of his left shoulder.

"Oh no~!"

"Watch out, Air!"

Kaejo quickly carried the princess on his back and dodged the acid blown on them and he even held onto a tree branch.

"I think I figured out his weakness. Aim at his eyes!"

The princess commanded as she was holding on Kaejo's shoulders but the young man let go of the treebranch before they could even get poisoned by the acid.

"How will I know where to aim?! I can't see him!"

Kaejo answered after landing safely on the ground and he dodged an acid again but he was starting to get breathless with all his movements.

The princess tried to point out the eyes but Kaejo really couldn't see anything. How will they defeat it??


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