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"That imperial crown is the reason that Shiro was sealed long ago by my great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather. But now someone stole it and released back Shiro to rule the land. That crown has power and knowing that Shiro has came back means that the crown was altered with the dark energy of the sun and moon and it was surely used to unseal him. Father sent me away from the palace in fear that I might be found. Only an heir from my ancestor can use the power of the crown. No other royal blood can it acknowledge but the blood of my family. But I don't know what to do now."

Ryel took the opportunity to report something during the silence and it wasn't a good news.

He told the princess that he received news that the queen died when Shiro visited the palace and everyone there received his mark on their foreheads.

This made the princess to not held in her tears and Ryel tried to comfort her.

"Is there any way to defeat Shiro??"

Kaejo now asked and the princess wiped her tears with the cloth that Ryel gave her.

"If we get that crown back. I might get to use it but I don't know. Still, it is the only power that can seal Shiro back. But we have no idea where it is~ How are we going to find it??"

"I am sure we can find it~ Let me help you find it then. I can't let Shiro rule a new order and seal everyone to follow him~!"

Kaejo spoke up with a sense of energy and Ryel took out something from his cloak.

"Princess, I think this can help~"

It was a map of the whole land.

During the days that Ryel got separated from the princess from their escape from the palace, he managed to obtain a map and marked every location that Shiro's men infiltrated and that's also how he figured out the location of the princess with the help of inquiring random people.

"Shiro is now in the palace. He has control over the place and no one gets in or out unless he or she is marked. The other kingdoms also acknowldged him in fear that he will destroy their kingdoms. And I also want to give this to you, princess... Your mother entrusted it to me and told me to give it to you for it might be useful."

The princess was surprised to see the storybook that her mother used to read to her every night.

It was the story she has been told over and over again since she was a child and she missed the voice of her narrating mother the moment she received the small book from Ryel.

"How is this going to help in finding out how to defeat Shiro? Why didn't my mother told me more about this? Were there more secrets in this book?"

The princess murmured and their serious atmosphere was interrupted by Ryel's growling stomach so they only ate the fruits that Kaejo picked earlier.

"Here. Princess..."

Ryel peeled the fruit and gave it to the princess.

"Please just call me Air, Ryel. I have already told you so... I know you're not used to it but please... Not many knows about that name and I can't use Amfrel too. But even so, you can address me as that from now on at least... Even though that name is very special to me... I will allow you to call me that."

"I- I understand then, Prin- I mean A-Air."

"In a once upon a time~ That same story was also narrated to me by my mother when I was a child. Honestly, that story is so well-spoken anywhere."

Kaejo spoke up as he was looking at the title of the storybook before he continued.

"The story is about a princess who was saved by a stranger but he died in a war. And that stranger came back clothed in the light of the moon one stormy night when the princess was sick on her bed and he healed her. The stranger was the son of the moon goddess who was born as a human child and grew up as a warrior to shed his blood to redeem the freedom of the people of the kingdoms which were enslaved by the great dragon that brought desolation in all the lands after the people were lured to serve him. The stranger was resurrected after he died and he is now the mighty prince who conquered the dragon by his blood. He left a promise to the princess that one day, they will be together and he went back to the sky and lighted the darkness with the moon bearing his light at night and the sun by day to light his dearest princess from the darkness trying to hover over the lands. In the end, the princess grew old governing his subjects in peace and prosperity and she was resurrected when she died and was brought up to the sky to live with the stranger, the mighty prince who conquered the dragon and saved the people from the dragon's deceit."

"And it ends with they lived happily ever after... The dragon~ The stranger and the princess..." The princess stated the three main characters in the story.


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