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{ιν α ονcε υπον α τιμε}

The princess tried to struggle and fight against the person who dared to drag her away but she stopped when she saw Kaejo and he pulled her going  towards a riverside where they crossed over the other side on a small boat.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere away from here~"

"Aren't you going back to that mansion?"

"Not anymore. They might have considered me as an heir of that man but I change my mind to live there with his filthy wealth. I don't deserve it...."

They left the boat and walked until they found themselves wandering in the woods and they soon felt the call to stop and rest on a log. Kaejo was able to bring a bottle of water with him that they drank.

"Do you know who Shiro is??"

The princess dared to ask as she was sitting still on the log and Kaejo has just gone down from a fruit tree.

"He is evil. Tsk~ If only-"

The princess raised her head and she saw a regretful expression on Kaejo's face.

"This is all my fault. If only-"

He uttered gritting his teeth and he met the princess' confused gaze.

"What are you muttering about?"

Kaejo was supposed to give a fruit to the princess when someone suddenly landed between them and a sword's blade was directed to his neck.

"Don't get any nearer!".

The unannounced presence of the intruder surprised the two and Kaejo even let go of the fruits he was holding. The princess recognized the person standing between her and Kaejo and she stood up and quickly touched his shoulder.


"Step aback, princess... Let me deal with him~ Did he do you wrongly??"

"Ryel, stop. He isn't a bad person."

Was the command and the brave knight quickly withdrew his sword and knelt down to honor the princess but she asked her to get up.

"Princess?? You're a princess?"

Kaejo was surprised to hear this. He least expected to meet a person of royalty to be standing before him.

"I am sorry, Kaejo... I didn't intend to reveal my identity but- Anyways, it doesn't matter. But please don't address me with that anymore, Ryel. My name is Air right now. I didn't lie about my twin brother, Kaejo. I am sorry I lied about the war."

Kaejo stepped aback and he met the gaze of Ryel who already stood beside the princess.

"I am sorry, Princess. I- I mean A-Amfrel. No- A-Air..."

Ryel uncomfortably spoke up.

"I am Princess Amfrel and I was sent to hiding by my father, the king. I am sorry I couldn't say it before... But I guess I will just tell you now. Several days ago when I turned eighteen, there was a commotion in the palace and a rare treasure was stolen by someone we weren't able to know who. The treasure stolen was very important and it is called the imperial crown being kept and not worn inside the palace. It was only kept and it was supposed to be passed down to me that night but it was interrupted."

The princess narrated that Kaejo didn't get anymore reason but to listen.


In A Once Upon A TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora