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The strange noises awoken the consciousness of the princess and she found herself tied up seeing other captive persons with her. That's when she realized she was with slaves and she later was told that they are heading to a city where they will be sold.

They were currently riding in a cargo pulled by oxens and it seemed like the merchants were riding on horses surrounding the cargo as the princess peeked through a small hole.

She was still in a bit daze and she doesn't know what to do anymore. Her only goal in leaving the palace is to hide from the evil power but she didn't have a clear plan about it. And even if she aims to find the imperial crown, she got no lead to where to find it. Also, Ryel, who was supposed to accompany her is not with her already.

"Mama, I am scared..."

Among the slaves in the cargo was a little boy who was about five years old and he was looking pale and thin as he held onto a woman whose appearance is no less worse than the boy. That's when the princess looked around her and recognized how those with her were appearing to have not eaten for days.

She wasn't able to talk a lot anymore since she wasn't entertained after some while and since they didn't know who she was to begin with. She only kept silent to herself thinking what she will do and plans she needed to have in order to not get caught by Shiro.

She also thought of a way to escape but found no opportunity to do so. A few days passed without food and water given to them, they reached the city which was a place the princess has visited for the first time since she hasn't gone out of the palace and only visited the neighboring palaces of the other monarchs.

The sight of the people's lives made her wonder how different was the life outside the palace walls and how poor was their living. Soon, she was forced to stand up infront of the crowd where there was a sudden bidding to sell her.

She tried to escape but failed to do so and was even badly beaten until she was sold to a rogue guy whose stare ran down on her and gripped her in chains before forcefully bringing her in a carriage and she was delivered to a mansion where she met up with a rich man who was the one whe asked to buy a slave in the city.

"My, my... A beauty as fresh as roses. You'll be surely a delight to satisfy me tonight~"

And his eyes ran deep in her soul when she heard those creeping words from the man who even tried to kiss her but the princess managed to defend herself that she was taken in a room where she was groomed as preparation for the night.

"I beg you, please let me go... I am not supposed to be here. I have something I needed to do and it is really important. Let me escape from here!"

The princess pleaded the maids that groomed her but they only hated her for having the opportunity to sleep with the master.

The night came and the princess was brought in the man's room with her hands tied and she was quickly greeted with a strong grip though she tried to escape from him. The night was calm and dark and she was quickly forced to lie on the bed that she struggled to free herself.

That moment, before she could even lose her strength from her struggle and before she was even laid bare with the hands of the strange man, drips of blood damped the princess' body that she was suddenly terrified and someone pulled her out of the bed. It was the person who stabbed the man with a glass.

"W-Who are you???"


Who saved the princess?

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