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Meanwhile, the crystal on the necklace gleamed once again and dusts left suspended after the creature made a crack on the ground that Kaejo closed his eyes and that is when he felt the pulse of his heartbeat to have palpitated loudly once. He then realized that the princess' right hand was resting directly on his chest as she was being carried on his back.

He dodged the attack of the creature and she asked him how he knew where it was coming from. Kaejo replied by saying he could see the creature when he closes his eyes and that's when he managed to shoot it with his spear and it hit the left eye of the creature making it to get wild and trampled the aquatic plants in the lagoon and it sank before a light flashed from the water and they saw globs of light emerging from the water and it went up the sky disappearing.

Keajo didn't find his spear anymore and the princess hurriedly ran to Ryel who was already unconscious because of the poison of the acid and she tried to wake him up but nothing happened.

Not until Kaejo dripped a drop of liquid that he got from the globs of light earlier on Ryel's shoulder did the necklace gleamed again and it healed Ryel who was miraculously restored to his health.

"You're fine!"

The princess delighted that she even smiled in relief making the young knight to gleam in a light blush seeing her before him.

"What happened? Was the monster defeated??"

"Luckily~" Kaejo answered Ryel as they stood up.

Just then, the princess felt dizzy and she lost her consciousness making the two to be left in a panic. They have no idea what happened this time and they checked the necklace but it wasn't glowing anymore.

"What are we going to do now? Did you do something to her??"

Ryel raged out holding onto the princess and they both ended up arguing over the matter.

It didn't took a while until they decided to just let the princess rest under a tree and tried to figure out what's really going on. Ryel also asked a lot of questions regarding what happened between Kaejo and the princess when they met and Kaejo didn't manage to tell lies since Ryel could easily hint it out when he tried to.

On the other hand, Kaejo also interviewed the young knight about the condition of the princess and why she is really sent out of the palace and what is her role against the evil power, Shiro. Ryel was able to tell simpler explanations but he wasn't able to tell in what ways will Shiro be defeated by any chance and what exactly the princess is supposed to do since they weren't told about it at all.

He only knew that his duty is to protect the princess and keep her from being founded by Shiro and to look for the stolen crown.

In the end, the two only managed to get to know each other but still led to arguing again the time the princess actually woke up and both were scolded like little kids.

"Can you two stop arguing like little kids? There is no place for that here. We need to get moving now."

The princess told them with a set of glare that behaved the two.

"Princess~ I mean Air... Something is glowing on your back~"

Ryel spoke when the princess adjusted her cloak and it took their attention. They then saw a glowing light forming an arrow that is likely stabbing on the princess' back and that's when she remembered that she was actually shot by an arrow in her escape attempt from Shiro's men back then.

"Can you check if there's a wound scar on my back?? I remembered I was hit by an arrow when we got separated, Ryel~ But I haven't felt anything since I was awoken in that cargo along with the slaves~"

The princess lowered the cloak and revealing the skin of her back to the two young men who got their gazes quickly averted especially because Ryel suddenly twisted Kaejo's head to prevent him from looking.

"No way will I do that, Prin- I mean-"

"How can you just reveal your back to guys?!"

Both Ryel and Kaejo turned around and supressingly embarrassed so the princess only reached her back with her hand since the two were unwilling to do so.

"It is gone~ I don't have a scar at all~ Strange..."

And she put the cloak back on before she met the averting gazes of the two.

"I think I got my strength and skill back. This is really strange~ Ryel, try to attack me right now~"

Ryel was caught up and the princess already positioned to defend herself. Kaejo was even surprised to see what she did and she ended up attacking Ryel who supressed himself from fighting back that he was beaten down.

"How come you haven't fought better before? You could have saved yourself from being sold as a slave and from my molesting father..."

Kaejo asked seeing a sudden change of atmosphere and not believing the skill the princess has manifested.

"I wouldn't have held back if I had the strength back then, Kaejo. But I knew I was powerless after that incident with the arrow. I couldn't even maintain my strength and endurance not until now. What was that arrow that shot me for? I think it likely withheld me from my physical capabilities to fight. Now I can freely move to defend myself again.... I don't understand why~"

The princess did some stretchings of her arms and she was assured that her skill and strength were really back. She isn't a weak princess to begin with but because of an unexplainable turn out of events, she wasn't able to help herself before.

"Everything that is happening is getting more unexpected. What else is there to bring me surprise?? Do you think this has something to do with the presence of Shiro now??"

Kaejo asked and the princess only picked up the storybook that the wind blew the pages and showed a certain passage from it.


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