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It had now been a year since Sooyeon and Renjun became soulmates and they were both doing so amazing.

There wasn't a time where the two weren't clinging onto each other or making many inside jokes.

As for the twins, they were now a year and eight months old, almost two years. With the sibling relationship they have, the two constantly bickered in their gibberish and Sooyeon and Renjun found it pretty funny but would always stop them from hitting each other with toys.

Currently, Sooyeon and Renjun were in a restaurant on a date for their one year anniversary. The twins were with Jisung and Jaemin since Jaemin wanted to spend time with the babies as well. Jisung simply wanted to play with Yejun and teach him new expressions.

"So fancy." Sooyeon muttered as she sat down, making Renjun chuckle a bit.

"And not the most expensive thing in the world so that's a plus." He stated and Sooyeon gave a satisfied look, approving of the fact that it was slightly inexpensive.

"Shocking." She said as she grabbed the menu from the waiter's hand who was handing it to her.

"I'll be back shortly." The waiter told them and they nodded before he walked away, leaving the two to converse.

"I can't believe it." Renjun said as he looked at Sooyeon, a wide smile on his face.

"I know. A whole year together." Sooyeon said in return, smiling as well.

"No, I mean how cheap this restaurant is. Can you believe it?" Renjun joked, making Sooyeon scoff and cross her arms as she turned her head away from his.

"Babe, I'm joking." Renjun laughed out as he tried to grab her hands which he succeeded at and leaned over to kiss her cheek.

"I can't believe we've been together for a whole year." He said and Sooyeon pursed her lips before smiling.

"Crazy, right?" She replied before looking at the menu, deciding what she wanted.

"Remember when we first got the twins?" Renjun asked and Sooyeon nodded.

"I can't forget it. They slept so much the first few days and then all of a sudden, they're hyper." Sooyeon replied and Renjun laughed at the memory.

"I still find it so funny that Dea has my attitude." Renjun said which made Sooyeon laugh as well.

"Never forgetting when she took Chenle's spoon and tried to shove the food in her mouth cause he kept teasing her with it." Sooyeon laughed out, remembering the time that they all first went to a restaurant together.

"The twins get along so well with the younger ones. At this point, they're our kids too with how much they come with us to places." Renjun said as he recalled every moment where Chenle and Jisung argued over who gets to ride with the twins.

"At least we have people who can take care of the twins when we need them to." Sooyeon said and Renjun shook his head.

"Never trust them two alone with those twins. It will become horrible. Remember how trashed our place was last time?" Renjun said and as Sooyeon recalled the memory, she shuddered.

Renjun and Sooyeon had decided to give Chenle and Jisung a shot at babysitting but when they came home, they saw all the baby toys sprawled on the ground, Chenle was on the kitchen counter with Dea, recreating the scene from The Lion King and Jisung and Yejun were playing TAG, resulting in many items being thrown as they chased each other.

"Very bad idea." She said in realization.

The waiter interrupted their conversation by asking for their orders which they gave before going back to talking.

The two continued conversing until their food came and they ate gladly, savoring the flavors of the delicious food.

Soon enough, their bill was paid (Renjun deciding to pay even though Sooyeon wanted to help) and now the two decided to roam around the dark streets of Seoul where Sooyeon had finally decided to reveal something.

"I loved spending this last year with you." Sooyeon said as she stared at Renjun lovingly.

"I did too. This has genuinely been the best year of my life." Renjun replied which made Sooyeon suppress her wide smile.

"As much as I enjoyed spending this time with you here, I feel like—"

"Is this a break-up? Cause you can't really break up with me. We're literally soulmates." Renjun said and Sooyeon scoffed as she gently hit his shoulder.

"As if I would ever break up with you anyways. I love you too much to ever do that." She said and Renjun breathed a sigh of relief.

"As I was saying, I feel like we should also spend some time together somewhere else? For about a week?" Sooyeon asked and Renjun's brow raised, confused as to what she meant.

"About a week? What do you mean?" He asked and Sooyeon stopped walking, digging for something in her purse.

"Seoul is fun and all but what if we just.." Sooyeon stopped talking for a second as she pulled something out.. four tickets and handed them to him so he could read what they said.

As he read, a wide smile began spreading across his face as Sooyeon continued to talk.

"Spend some time in China.. with your family."

Renjun could feel an overwhelming amount of emotions coming to him from the present. Tears sprung into his eyes as he looked at Sooyeon and immediately embraced her, lifting her up and crying a bit into her shoulder.

"Don't cry, baby." Sooyeon consoled the boy, playing with his hair slightly as he set her back down to kiss her lips, an ecstatic feeling.

"You really did this for me?" Renjun asked as he separated their lips and Sooyeon nodded, proud smile on her face.

"I know how much you missed your parents so I decided to call them and tell them about my plan. They were more than glad to let us stay." Sooyeon said and tears began to flow down Renjun's face from the pure happiness he felt.

"Thank you. I love you so much." He told her as his arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer, his head resting on her shoulder.

Sooyeon rubbed his back and left a soft, gentle kiss on his neck.

"I love you more." She told him.

Sooyeon placed the tickets back in her purse and the two continued to walk before heading home, thanking Jaemin and Jisun for taking care of the now sleeping twins before they fell asleep themselves, arms wrapped around each other.

The two were so happy to have each other and none would replace it for the world.


and thats officially the end! i really hope you guys enjoyed this story.

i'm still trying to decide if i should keep going with soulmate series or take a small break from it to try out other stories (don't worry, the soulmate series won't be cancelled).

anyways, that's all for 'exchange student' !

lots of love,
t <3

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