twenty nine

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"I love you, Renjun."

"I love you too, Sooyeon."

All of a sudden, a bright light and fog engulfed the room, causing Sooyeon and Renjun to cover their eyes.

Once it was safe enough to see again, they were met with many people in the living room— very unfamiliar people.

"Hola bitchach-oh." The person who was very enthusiastic to speak was interrupted by sounds of two babies crying.

"You might wanna get that." The person said, pointing upstairs while Renjun and Sooyeon stared at them in complete shock, wondering if it was safe to move.

"We'll explain everything just get those babies cause they're not gonna stop crying." Someone else said.

With hesitance, Sooyeon stood up and glanced at Renjun, practically telling him with her eyes to stay there and make sure those strangers did nothing. Renjun immediately took the hint and gave a simple nod but decided to do something else as well.

Renjun grabbed his phone and was about to dial the police until someone stopped him.

"Let's not do that." That someone said, which happened to be Jeno as he snatched Renjun's phone from him.

"Hey boo." Haechan said, shocking Renjun even more.

"Now what in the world." Renjun muttered as he stared at everyone in front of him who stood awkwardly. The only people Renjun could recognize from the group were Jaemin, Jiyeon, Jeno, Kyungmi, Haechan, Yunhee and...


Sooyeon emerged from the stairs with the twins who were clinging onto her, not wanting to let go but she froze at the sight of the strangers, their own friends and her brother standing there.

"Hey!" Baekhyun nonchalantly said, throwing a wave as Sooyeon had her eyes wide open.

She slowly and hesitantly began to walk back to Renjun, handing him Dea as she refused to take her eyes off the people on the living room.

"Explain." She said, pointing to her brother. She had on a serious expression but in actuality, she was terrified at how everyone just appeared out of thin air.

"If I'm being honest, I have no clue what to say. This is my first time doing this so I'd let them explain." Baekhyun said, pointing to the strangers in her home.

"Okay so let's start with introductions. I'm—"

"I'm Hendery!" Someone said, completely cutting off the previous person.

"See I oughta beat you—"

"He's YangYang, I'm Xiaojun, that's Shotaro and Sungchan." The boy now known as Xiaojun said as he pointed to everyone with their corresponding names, making them all wave.

"Who are they?" Renjun asked, pointing to the other people.

"We're just observing them on how they do. See, we're more experienced with this and they're not so we let them take the lead on this. We're making sure they don't mess up." Someone said with a kind smile.

"I'm Kun. They are Taeil, Johnny, Ten, Lucas, WinWin, Yuta, and Jungwoo." The boy now known as Kun introduced and pointed at everyone else.

"And what are you guys doing here?" Sooyeon asked, still confused with everything as Yejun played with her hair.

"Oh right we forgot about that. We're your soulmate fairies!" Hendery enthusiastically exclaimed, expecting a big reaction but only saw blank faces from the soulmates.

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