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After Mark and Chenle arranged the strollers and the car seats, the group was now ready to head out.

They all split up into certain groups, wanting to take as few cars as possible. Chenle chose to ride in the backseat with Dea and Yejun in Renjun's car. They wanted to eat at Sooyeon's grandmother's restaurant, but settled for a nearby restaurant instead. After all, the drive to Busan was long and the others had plans a couple hours later.

"Okay but seriously, can I take one of them?" Chenle asked as he tickled Dea and Yejun's stomach, loud giggles coming from them both.

"No, Chenle." The two soulmates said in unison which made the said boy furrow his brows.

"And I thought Jeno was no fun." Chenle muttered as he turned to Yejun, cooing at the baby who refused to react.

"We can let you babysit them when we have other plans." Renjun compromised and a smile was put on Chenle's face.

"They seem like fun so okay!" The boy exclaimed and tapped his feet excitedly on the ground of the car.

Sooyeon smiled a bit at his reaction, reminding her of a little boy excited about going to a park. It was adorable.

Renjun noticed her smile and his lips curved upwards as well. She looked pretty when she had a smile on her face and he really couldn't deny it.

The ride continued peacefully, Chenle taking a small nap by resting his head on the handle of the baby car seat while the twins slept as well.

As they drove, Renjun looked back to see Chenle sleeping before putting his hand over the middle storage space, leaving it hanging with the palm up in front of Sooyeon.

He glanced at her when he felt her staring and shook his hand a little, signaling her to hold it.

Once she got the hint, Sooyeon blushed and placed her hand in his, fingers intertwining.

Although a simple action, Sooyeon felt her heart bursting with excitement. Renjun felt that as well.

Not too long after, they had arrived at the restaurant and parked, the others following as well.

"Wake up." Renjun said as he released his had from Sooyeon's and shook Chenle's knee, waking up the boy from his sleep.

"What?" Chenle asked as he rubbed his eyes, adjusting to the sunlight.

"We're here." Sooyeon said in a sweet voice which made Chenle smile and unbuckle his seatbelt. It was as if he was their third, nonbiological kid and Sooyeon laughed a bit at that.

They got out of the car, Chenle getting out last since Renjun and Sooyeon had to take out the twins first for him to get out.

Afterwards, they met up with the other people in the group in front of the entrance of the restaurant.

"What's up with him?" Jisung asked as he took sight of Chenle, slightly unstable and clearly tired.

"He fell asleep in the car. Guess he's still drowsy." Sooyeon said as she faced Chenle who squinted his eyes at the brightness.

Jisung sighed and went to the side of his best friend, shaking him slightly to wake him up some more.

Once the group finally was ready, they headed inside where service was thankfully quick and they got to a table in a short amount of time.

"What're you getting?" Renjun asked as he watched Sooyeon observed the menu.

"This." She replied, pointing to the food she wanted and Renjun 'ahh'ed before going back to his own menu.

"Sooyeon!" Mark called our, catching the said girls (and everyone else's) attention.

"Yeah?" She asked, curious as to what he was gonna say.

"Can I hold one of them?" Mark asked as he pointed to the stroller beside them, containing both of the twins inside.

"Oh sure."

"Can I hold the other? Again, practicing to be a dad here." Jaemin said and Jiyeon let out a playfully annoyed sigh at his words while he had a cheeky smile.

"Woah, Jiyeon you're pregnant?" Jisung asked, clearly shocked.

"No but Jaemin desperately wants me to be." Jiyeon said as Jaemin sat back down, holding Yejun while Mark held Dea.

"Jiyeon, let's have a kid." Jaemin said and Jiyeon shook her head, making the boy pout and show her Yejun's face.

"Please." He whined, attempting to bribe her with Yejun.

"No, Jaemin. We can have one in the future." Jiyeon replied which made Jaemin furrow his brows and sit down while the friends laughed at his reaction.

As Jaemin played with Yejun, Yejun suddenly began to whine and reached over to Jisung, wanting him to grab him.

Everyone at the table became shocked, especially Jisung since he thought the baby didn't like him yet he still took him from Jaemin.

Jisung pouted his lips as he and Yejun looked at each other, causing Yejun to do the same. Jisung then furrowed his brows and Yejun did the same thing.

"How is he gonna want to come to me but do this." Jisung said which made an idea spark into Jeno's mind.

"Wait, try smiling." Jeno said and the others agreed.

After a bit of hesitation from the embarrassment of everyone watching him, Jisung smiled at Yejun and saw the baby smile back.

"Problem solved! He's just copying you." Haechan said and Jisung started laughing in amazement at the baby, making Yejun giggle as well and everyone found it adorable.

"A baby copying our baby Jisung." Jaemin cooed and pinched Jisung's cheeks, making the boy give him a disgusted look and try to get away from the older with Yejun still in his arms.

Everyone laughed at their interaction, finding the situation hilarious.

Renjun looked over at Sooyeon, smile on his face.

"How you feeling?" He asked his soulmate who placed her hand over his, her thumb rubbing against his in an affectionate manner.

"I'm amazing." She replied with a smile and looked around to see if anyone was staring and once she confirmed that no one was looking, she gave him a small kiss on his cheek before going back to acting like nothing happened.

Renjun smiled at the action. There was without a doubt in his mind that he was already falling for this girl and although it seemed too fast, he didn't care.

After all, the soulmate effect was taking place in both of them and neither were complaining.

───── ⋆⋅♡ ⋅⋆ ─────
"I love them." Someone said as the observed the soulmates hang out with their friends.

"Everything is going so well. They literally didn't have any problems like the other boys." Another said and the rest agreed.

"Don't jinx it."

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