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Jaemin and Jiyeon were busy holding and cradling the twins, calming down the babies that happened to start crying the second they go off the phone with Renjun.

"They cry so much. I'm wishing Renjun some good luck." Jiyeon said as she held Dea, rocking her back and forth in an attempt to get her to stop crying.

"I honestly blame-"

The door suddenly opened and revealed Sooyeon and Renjun, Sooyeon golding food while Renjun carried a few bags.

At the sight of their parents, Dea and Yejun stopped crying and immediately held their arms out for the two who sadly couldn't pick them up.

"Oh my gosh thank goodness you're here!" Jaemin exclaimed as he stood up with a whiny Yejun.

"I'm assuming they missed you guys because they wouldn't stop crying." Jaemin said as he took the food from Sooyeon and handed her Yejun.

"Wait- I need to help Renjun get the things." Sooyeon said as she attempted to hand Yejun back to Jaemin only for him to shake his head.

"I'll help him. It's alright." Jaemin said as he placed the food on the table.

"You and Jiyeon just get the food out for us all to eat together." Jaemin said as Renjun placed the few items on the ground.

The two then walked back out to the car, leaving Sooyeon standing there holding Yejun and Jiyeon approached her while holding Dea.

"How was it?" Jiyeon asked the girl who shrugged.

"Just shopping. Maybe a hug here and there but it was nice." Sooyeon replied before cooing at Yejun who now held a bright smile.

"How were they?" Sooyeon asked as she bounced Yejun up and down while Dea whined to also be with her mom.

"They were sleeping in the beginning but then the phone call woke them up and they started crying once Jaemin hung up and they didn't stop till you guys came. I honestly think they just wanted you guys." Jiyeon said and Sooyeon nodded in understanding. She hoped the twins wouldn't be like that all the time.

"You can go ahead and place Dea in the carrier so you can start eating. I'll feed them before I eat." Sooyeon said and Jiyeon nodded as she went to go place Dea back in the carrier while Sooyeon followed, placing Yejun in his carrier as well.

Jaemin and Renjun finished bringing all the baby items inside the house before settling at the table with Jiyeon while Sooyeon began looking for the baby food they just bought.

"What're you looking for?" Renjun asked as he got up from the seat and walked over to Sooyeon who continued looking through bags.

"The baby food." She replied and Renjun smiled a bit, finding her focused stage kind of adorable.

He then bent down to a bag next to her and pulled out the baby food.

"Found it." He said while slightly shaking it in front of her face, almost as if he was teasing her.

"Thanks." Sooyeon said and attempted to grab the baby food from him only for Renjun to love it behind him, making her furrow her brows at him.

She tried grabbing the food once again only for him to place it behind himself again and laughed a bit at her.

"Can I have the baby food please?" Sooyeon asked and Renjun shrugged.

Sooyeon sighed and was about to look for any other food until Renjun suddenly grabbed her hand and placed the baby food there.

"I'm just messing with you. You want me to help you feed them?" Renjun asked and Sooyeon shook her head.

"It's okay. You go ahead and eat with them. I'll eat in a bit." Sooyeon said as she found the two baby spoons and went over to the sink to wash them.

Renjun frowned, knowing damn well he was not about to have his soulmate hassle feeding twins alone.

He silently walked over to the table where Jaemin and Jiyeon ate, getting their attention.

"Make sure you leave food for us. I'm gonna help Sooyeon feed the twins." Renjun told them and they nodded before confusing on eating the food, thanking Renjun once again for buying it.

Renjun then made his way to the living room where the babies were in their carriers, whining.

At the sight of their dad, the twins' eyes brightened up and smiles formed on their faces.

"Hi~" Renjun cooed to the two and made small waves to them, a bright smile on his own face at their sight.

Just then, Sooyeon had entered the living room with their food and spoons, ready to feed them. The twins' attention suddenly went to her and the food, causing them to squeal.

"I told you you could go eat. I can feed the twins myself, I promise." Sooyeon told Renjun as she sat on the couch in front of the twins.

Renjun simply shook his head and sat next to her, grabbing one of the spoons and containers of baby food.

"Feeding two babies would be a pain in the ass. I'm gonna help you." Renjun said and opened the baby food and began feeding Yejun.

Sooyeon smiled at his gesture before beginning to feed Dea her food.

Renjun slightly scooted closer to Sooyeon as he fed Yejun which made Sooyeon blush and look over at him only to receive a gentle smile in return.

From the kitchen, Jiyeon and Jaemin observed the soulmates, spying on their interactions.

"Renjun better try that touché arm over the shoulder move." Jaemin whispered to Jiyeon.

"I doubt he will. Isn't this like their third day? You really think they would already be at that stage?" Jiyeon asked and Jaemin shrugged as they continued observing.

Renjun suddenly placed the spoon in front of Sooyeon, signaling for her to eat it.

Sooyeon furrowed her brows with a playful smile on her face and smacked his shoulder, causing the both of them to laugh before continuing to feed their twins.

"From the looks of it, they're already somewhat close I guess. Let's just hope they get closer and that things don't go wrong." Jaemin said and Jiyeon agreed as they continued eating.

i (my brother) just preordered the nct dream 'Hot Sauce' album from Music Plaza online... let's hope everything goes well with shipping and stuff :,)

do any of y'all have any stories with Music Plaza online ??? please let me know !!

lots of love,

✓ exchange student - huang renjunWhere stories live. Discover now