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Sooyeon and Renjun sat, both cradling one baby in their arms. The twins had woken up but thankfully, they didn't burst into tears like they expected them to.

Renjun checked his phone every couple of seconds as he rocked Yejun back and forth in his arms, causing the baby to giggle.

"You think they're almost here." Sooyeon asked as she played with Dea, getting the baby in a happy mood so she wouldn't become fussy. After all, they hadn't eaten in hours now and she was becoming scared already.


As if on cue, many knocks were heard on the door which caused the two to look at it and the babies to become slightly shocked.

Sooyeon stood up and placed Dea back in the carrier and went to open the door.

Once she opened the door, there stood three familiar faces: Haechan, Jaemin and Jeno.

They all looked at Sooyeon, wide-eyed. Before any of them could say anything, however, she immediately pushed them outside with her, shutting the door behind her and leaving Renjun alone inside the house with the twins.

"Sooyeon?" Jeno asked and the girl nodded, embarrassment evident on her face.

"Dudeee I haven't heard about you since high school!" Haechan pointed out and Sooyeon cringed as she covered her face.

"You've been in Busan all this time?" Jaemin asked and Sooyeon nodded, guilt on her face.

"Listen, I know you guys are probably disgusted by me-"

"We're not." Jeno said, cutting Sooyeon off and she looked at them, confused.

"You're not?" She questioned, slightly shocked.

"I mean like, it wasn't your fault. We're not gonna be disgusted cause of that." Haechan said and Sooyeon let out a sigh of relief.

"Wait- is that why you left? Cause of the.. incident?" Jeno asked and Sooyeon nodded her head.

"I didn't know people could be such jerks. I'm sorry you went through that, Sooyeon but know that we aren't disgusted in any way. People can be so immature." Jaemin assured the girl and the other two nodded in agreement which made Sooyeon smile. She was so thankful they were kind enough to not let whatever happened affect their views on her.

"Thank you so much! Oh, speaking of.. Can you guys not tell Renjun? He remembers who I am and stuff but I guess he wasn't paying attention when the entire thing went down." Sooyeon said and all three boys nodded.

"I'm not surprised he doesn't know. He barely paid attention to the high school drama going on. He had barely come from China too so I doubt he was really worrying about scandals and was more focused on studying." Haechan said which made them laugh a bit, recalling how into his studies Renjun was.

"Thank you, guys." She said and they all simply nodded. After all, it was literally the bare minimum.

Sooyeon opened the door to her house again and walked in, holding the door open for the other boys as well.

"Huang Renjun!" Haechan shouted the second he walked into the home and Renjun looked at him wide-eyed then back at the babies who were extremely shocked by the sudden loud noise.

Yejun suddenly began to cry and Dea was on the verge of it, eyes watering and lips quivering.

"Oh shit. My bad." Haechan said as he approached the boy who rocked his baby back and forth, attempting to calm his cries.

"See and we were doing so fine." Renjun said.

Jaemin sighed and went over in front of Yejun's face while Haechan went into front of Dea.

The two then began to so adorable yet slightly cringy faces in an attempt to distract the babies from the cries.

Miraculously, it worked and Renjun breathed a sigh of relief as he placed Yejun back in his carrier.

"Now, when the hell were you gonna tell us you had a soulmate and twins?!" Jeno asked and Renjun shrugged.

"We found out we were soulmates yesterday and we barely got the twins today. Be thankful I'm even telling you about this." Renjun said and Jaemin laughed a bit as he cooed at the two babies.

"You're so lucky. I've been trying to convince Jiyeon to let us have kids but she keeps saying no and that it's too soon or whatever." Jaemin said and Jeno shuddered.

"Babies are cute but definitely wait a bit longer since they're also a big ass responsibility. You two barely told each other you loved each other a few months ago." Jeno said and Jaemin pouted.

"No fun." Jaemin muttered before continuing to make faces in front of the twins, causing them to let out giggles.

"My kid was amazing." Haechan boasted and Jeno shot him a glare.

"You got your kid when he was a toddler. I had a seven month old."

"Still an amazing kid."

"I didn't ask you guys here to talk about your kids. I asked you guys here to help me." Renjun said and the two who had children looked at him and then at Sooyeon.

"Right. Okay so, whats the situation?" Jeno asked as he and Haechan sat on the couch while Renjun and Sooyeon remained standing, Jaemin off to the side distracting the babies still.

"Oh I don't know maybe just the fact that I am now the father to twins and my soulmate lives in Busan so we don't know what to do now or how to deal with this." Renjun said and Jeno put his mouth in an 'o' shape.

"Well.. Let's start with living situations. From my experience, the mom and dad really couldn't be apart." Jeno said and Sooyeon became confused.

"Why not?" She asked and Jaemin spoke up this time.

"Babies will be your biggest pain in the ass. They will not accept you guys being apart. You two have to live together so you have to make a choice."

"Renjun, do you want to move here, to Busan? Or Sooyeon, would you move to Seoul?"

The two looked at each other, unsure as to what to answer and the three friends knew it would probably take a bit to plan everything out.

───── ⋆⋅♡ ⋅⋆ ─────
"Ooo I wonder what they're gonna pick." Someone said with anticipation.

"Find out in the next chapter of-"

"Bitch shut up. They know the drill."

"You're such a fun killer."

"And you guys keep breaking the fourth wall. STOP IT."


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