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Jaemin and Jiyeon had finished eating not long after and bid a quick goodbye to the soulmates who still were feeding the twins.

"Call us if you need anything. We still need experience with babies." Jaemin said as he opened the door.

"I will. Thanks." Renjun responded, not even bothering to look their way since he was too focused on finishing on feeding Yejun.

Jaemin and Jiyeon exited the home, making sure to close the door which left Sooyeon and Renjun in the living room feeding the twins.

Sooyeon let out a yawn as she fed and Renjun looked over at her.

"You sleepy?" Renjun asked and Sooyeon shook her head.

"Then.. are you tired of being with me?" Renjun asked and she scoffed and smacked his shoulder as she shook her head.

"We like formally met 3 days ago. I don't think I can get tired of you this quickly." Sooyeon said and Renjun smiled, ruffling her hair.

"I was joking." He said and fed the last spoonful of food to Yejun.

"Is Dea almost done?" Renjun asked and Sooyeon nodded her head as she fed the last spoonful to the girl.

"I'll wash them. You go ahead and eat. We haven't eaten all day." Renjun said and took the spoon and baby food container from her hand.

He gave her a simple smile before getting up and heading to the kitchen.

Sooyeon smiled at his gesture before going to the kitchen to grab the remaining food and take it to the living room. That way, they could still watch the twins even while eating.

Renjun came back not too long after to see Sooyeon hadn't started eating like he told her to.

"Now why aren't you eating?" He asked.

"Wanted to wait for you. Here." She said, handing him a pair of the disposable chopsticks they were given and he gladly accepted them.

"Jaemin and Jiyeon made a good decision." Sooyeon said as she took a bite of the food, savoring the taste.

"They really did." Renjun agreed and ate a bite of the food as well.

"You know what we should do?" Sooyeon asked and Renjun looked at her as he placed a bite of food in his mouth and raised his brows, as if asking 'what?'.

"We should get to know each other more." Sooyeon said and Renjun nodded as he swallowed down the food.

"Well... I'm Renjun and I'm Chinese." Renjun said and Sooyeon playfully rolled her eyes.

"Never would've expected the exchange student from China to be Chinese." Sooyeon sarcastically said and Renjun laughed a bit.

"Then what do you want to know?" Renjun asked the girl who tapped her chin in thought as she chewed her food.

"How do you feel about this soulmate thing? I mean like, we only saw each other for the first time since high school like 3 days ago and even then we didn't talk at all and now we're soulmates." Sooyeon said and Renjun shrugged.

"I feel a bit awkward since it's been a while since high school but I'm trying to get comfortable with you. I'm just glad it wasn't with the most random stranger ever who I had no clue about." Renjun said with a tiny laugh.

"What about you?"

"I'm honestly enjoying it so far. Ever since I was little, I always dreamed of having a soulmate and how happy we would be. Of course, I'm still a bit awkward too so I'm glad I'm not alone but I feel like you and I can become closer." Sooyeon said with a smile and Renjun smiled at the last sentence and nodded.

✓ exchange student - huang renjunTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang