twenty three

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It was a regular school night when Sooyeon laid in bed, texting her boyfriend Chiwon.

Everything was going alright. Or at least, that's what she was thinking. Chiwon was her first boyfriend so she wasn't exactly sure what was right and what wasn't right.

It was surprising really. Sooyeon was the popular girl in school. She was kind, compassionate to others. She treated others so well and many people liked her but even so, she had not had a relationship before. Not until senior year.

It was a normal high school couple conversation, the casual flirting and sending of hearts. It was also their first month together, so they were still in that sweet phase of their relationship.

But the sweet was starting to turn as they continued to text.

Sooyeon wasn't expecting it. The messages turned sexual so quickly and quite frankly, she was uncomfortable.

As much as Sooyeon tried to avoid the conversation, he kept bringing it up.

Sooyeon felt pressured but one message made her contemplate everything.

"Send pictures?" She muttered as she re-read the message.

Sooyeon stared at the message, disbelief. She didn't know what to do. This was all so new to her.

Sooyeon gulped as the next message came in. "Do it if you love me. If not, I'll break up with you." She repeated, soft yet shaky voice.

Sooyeon was hesitant.. but she didn't know what was right and what was wrong.

Sooyeon wasn't the biggest idiot. She knew what nudes were and she knew people in relationships sent them to each other at times. She knows that they even have sex. The problem was, she didn't know if this was how it worked.

Sooyeon was stuck. She didn't know what to do. This was her first relationship and being a teen, she believed she loved this guy.. all because she thought she was being treated right. She didn't want to lose him just yet since she was enjoying the time she had with him but she also didn't want to send pictures.

"Hurry up and send them before I break up with you. Then you'll be alone with no one else to love you."

The young girl sighed as she removed her clothing and positioned herself into sensual poses.

She let the fear of losing a boy get the best of her.

She felt shame, doing something she was uncomfortable with. And so, the girl went to sleep not long after while Chiwon saved her photos and texted the one person he planned everything with.

It had been the next day at school and Sooyeon didn't know why, but after sending the pictures to Chiwon, she had a feeling that school wouldn't be great.

And she was right.

As soon as Sooyeon walked through the doors of her school, instead of being immediately greeted with warm smiles and handshakes, she was met with nasty glares and backs facing her.

Sooyeon was confused, so she went up to a group of students, ones she recognized to always greet her.

"Hi!" Sooyeon said as she approached them, her same kind smile on her face.

All she got in return were glares and the group turned away and walked in another direction.

As they walked away, she heard someone mutter "Never thought of her to be a slut."

Sooyeon gulped when she heard that, a thought already coming to her head but she didn't want to act upon it yet. She wanted to confirm that it was true.

But for right now, the embarrassment and anxiety got the best of her so she quickly walked away from the halls.

As she walked, the stares kept getting meaner and she heard the obvious mutter of gossip, some including the word "slut", "whore", and "easy".

Sooyeon eventually began running to the bathroom where she quickly hid in the stalls, immediately locking the door and pushing her back against the door.

Her breaths were rapid as a result of running but she had to do her best to quiet them as much as possible when she heard the door of the bathroom open, the sounds of two girls talking taking over the quiet environment.

"Why is everyone talking about Sooyeon?" One of the girls asked and this caught Sooyeon's attention. She wanted to know what was the deal with her and why everyone was acting in such a way.

"Oh my gosh, you didn't hear? Her nudes got leaked literally last night." The other girl said which caused the one who asked to gasp as Sooyeon hid her own.

"I never expected her to be a slut." The girl said and the other agreed.

"Can't believe we even liked her. I always knew there was something fishy. Who knows, maybe she has more that she sent to other guys?"

Not too long after, the two girls left the restroom, leaving Sooyeon there alone with her thoughts.

Sooyeon felt tears well up in her eyes as she knew exactly who leaked them. She felt hurt, betrayed.

Gulping down the lump in her throat and fighting back the tears, Sooyeon walked out of the bathroom stall and made her way to Chiwon.

Sooyeon did her best to ignore all the stares and whispers as she walked the halls and finally, she had her boyfriend in her sight... who was kissing her ex-best friend.

"Chiwon!" Sooyeon exclaimed, causing the boy to remove his lips from the girl and look at her, smirk on his face.

"Well if it isn't the slut of the school!" Eunsoo, her ex-best friend said, causing everyone to laugh and Sooyeon fight back her tears.

Eunsoo and Sooyeon's friendship fell apart after Eunsoo complained that Sooyeon barely paid attention to her, which was false. Sooyeon was a popular girl and she would talk to everyone but she always made sure her best friend was her first priority. Eunsoo got jealous of Sooyeon and thus, the friendship ended.

"Why would you? I thought you loved me.." Sooyeon muttered out to Chiwon who only scoffed out a laugh.

"You think I loved you? It was all just a game, get that through your head. Gosh, I can't believe you were gullible enough to believe that." Chiwon said, making everyone listening laugh, especially Eunsoo.

"Babe, wasn't my plan so amazing." Eunsoo asked as she place her arms around his neck, wanting to hug the boy.

"Sure was," He said, kissing the girl before going in front of Sooyeon's face who now had tears slowly falling down.

"And in case you werent aware, we're over. Enjoy the rest of your pathetic school year." He said, cocky smile on his face.

Sooyeon wanted to slap him, to take that horrid smile off his face but she couldn't bear to hurt anyone physically.

"Fuck you." Was all she said before running off while everyone laughed at her, calling her horrendous names that would stick with her.

The girl ran to the exit of the school, quickly going out and hiding behind a tree and calling her brother to pick her up. She explained everything to him and although he was a bit disappointed, he couldn't be mad at her. She was coerced to do something she didn't want to.

Him being the kind brother that he is drove to pick her up and tried to make her feel better.

Sooyeon was coerced into sending explicit pictures. Her high school reputation and reputation as a person was ruined.

While all this happened, a Chinese exchange student by the name of Renjun sat in his classroom, ignoring the chatter of the students. He was clueless to the entire thing and would only find out years later.

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