twenty four

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Before Renjun could try and say a word to Sooyeon, she bolted off, running away as she felt herself begin to hyperventilate.

Renjun became shocked a bit but knew it was coming since he knew how sensitive she was.

Renjun tried chasing her, wanting to talk to her but the next thing he knew, he was met with the bathroom door in his face.

Sooyeon made sure to lock the door as she entered the bathroom, her back immediately going against the door as soon as soon as she shut it. Sooyeon sobbed, her breaths coming out shaky as it all began to hit her.

Renjun frantically knocked, wanting Sooyeon to open the door.

"Soo." Renjun said and all he got in response was Sooyeon crying.

"No.. Go away!" She exclaimed as she cried into her hands.

Her breaths were uneven, she was trembling.

Her soulmate now knew what had happened and she was scared.

Sooyeon knew it was coming eventually but the fact that it actually happened was what got Sooyeon to react. She wanted to be the one to tell him instead but instead, that anonymous sender ruined it.. in the worst possible way too.

"Sooyeon please." Renjun said as he messed with the door knob but Sooyeon continued crying.

"You hate me. I'm disgusting! A whore, a slut Im all of that! I know you're calling me one in your head too." Sooyeon said, words almost incoherent but Renjun managed to figure out what she said.

"Soo, I can never and would never call you those things." Renjun said, wanting to calm Sooyeon down.

"I told you before, I'm not going to judge you based on your past. I could never hate you or anything. You're my soulmate and that's never gonna change. Please just talk to me.." Renjun said, desperate to get Sooyeon out and converse. He also knew the twins were bound to start crying at the tears that Sooyeon began to shed.

Sooyeon sniffled as she took into account his words. Her shaking, however, refused to cease as she was still nervous, scared.

Sooyeon hesitated as she began to think. He did in fact say those words and if he did hate her, he wouldn't be trying to talk to her. What he was doing right now proved that he genuinely cared about her state.

And so with some hesitation, Sooyeon's shaky hands unlocked the bathroom door, opening it very slowly and was greeted with the sight of Renjun a small smile on his face from her opening the door.

Renjun's arms were open, ready to hug the girl which overwhelmed her. Sooyeon fell straight into Renjun's arms, cries becoming loud from the feeling.

Renjun stroked Sooyeon's hair as he sat down by the wall, allowing Sooyeon's to straddle his lap and cry into his shoulder.

He was muttering comforting words to the girl's ear, knowing how anxious the entire situation made her. He could feel her trembling as she sobbed and he felt bad for her. He really had no clue why someone would try and ruin her life if she hadn't seen them in years.

"It's okay. I'm right here." He muttered and Sooyeon nodded. It was really an overwhelming feeling to know that her soulmate didn't hate her for her past. She was beyond grateful for someone like him.

Sooyeon sniffled as she removed her face from his shoulder, making eye contact with the boy. She gave him the slightest smile, enough to show how grateful and happy he made her.

Renjun pushed a strand of hair out of her face and wiped away her stray tears.

"Thank you for not hating me." She said and all Renjun could do was sigh, caressing her cheek.

"I told you I wouldn't. Im not disgusted by you either. I don't know who sent it or why but if it was to sabotage our relationship, know that it didn't work. Those pictures.. were years ago, right?" Renjun asked and Sooyeon nodded as she gulped, wondering what he was going to say.

"High school senior year." She said and Renjun nodded.

"Those pictures won't change my thought on you. You're still the amazing, gorgeous girl I know and I'm still glad to have you as my soulmate." Renjun said and a smile was put on Sooyeon's face at his words. She hugged him once again and he immediately returned the hug.

"I guess it's time I tell you the backstory." Sooyeon muttered and Renjun shook his head.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." He replied and Sooyeon sat up again, shaking her head this time.

"It'll be better if you know. I still feel like you'd find me disgusting if I didn't tell you." She said and Renjun chuckled.

"I don't but go ahead."

And so Sooyeon told him everything, from how she was coerced and played with to it being Eunsoo's plan and how Chiwon agreed to do it as well.

By the end of it, Sooyeon looked down, ashamed with herself for sending the pictures in the first place.

Renjun felt bad for her and his hatred for the two grew even more.

"Well," Renjun began, catching Sooyeon's attention. "I sure am disgusted right now but it's not because of you. It's because of them. I find it disgusting how they could do that to you without any reason whatsoever."

Sooyeon felt relief wash over her as she heard his words. She was truly thankful and she wanted to make it apparent.

She suddenly pressed her lips against his, enjoying the feeling it gave her. Renjun was surprised but didn't complain. Instead, he kissed her back and settled his hands at her waist.

Sooyeon then released their lips, making Renjun pout a bit and she smiled.

"Thank you. I don't know how I got so lucky to have you." She said, cupping the boys face.

"And I could say the same. You're amazing. Thank you for being my soulmate."

"And thank you for being mine."

───── ⋆⋅♡ ⋅⋆ ─────
"THE RELIEF I FELT OH MY GOSH THEYRE SO AMAZING TOGETHER." Someone said as they observed the soulmates.

"Watch me beat Eunsoo and Chiwon up with the readers."

"Usually I would get mad at you for breaking the fourth wall, but this is the exception."


y'all remember that chick that hit on Haechan near the end of 'b word'??

yeah, you guys should check out her name (chapter 26 in 'b word')

anyways, the book is ending pretty soon so there's that.

how do you guys feel about the entire thing? do you like the story? is it too much?

please vote and comment as well!

i hope you are all doing well and i love all of u guys, genuinely. thank u for being such amazing supporters and for being my inspiration to write.

lots of love,
t <3

✓ exchange student - huang renjunحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن