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The group sat on the couch, Jaemin holding Yejun while Sooyeon held Dea.

It was approaching the evening, and all the babies had were some spoonfuls of baby food, courtesy of Jaemin heading to the store real quick after hearing the babies hadn't eaten.

"So, where will you move to? I say you make a choice soon cause.. You guys need to choose one of your house's to put all the baby stuff in." Jaemin said as he fed Yejun, the baby giggling which made him smile.

"Renjun can I take your kid?"

"No." Renjun immediately told the younger and held his arms out to take back Yejun which Jaemin pouted at.

"It was worth a try." Jaemin said as he handed Renjun the baby boy and the baby food.

"Can we wait till my grandma gets home? I need to know what she thinks of this entire thing and help me make a decision." Sooyeon asked as she checked the clock on her phone, realizing it would be soon for her to get out of work since it was approaching evening. The other boys nodded as they made themselves comfortable on the couch.

Not too long after, Sooyeon's grandmother walked through the front door, immediately being greeted by the sight of three new boys in her house with her granddaughter and her soulmate.

Sooyeon walked to her grandmother, carrying Dea along with her while Renjun held Yejun.

"Hi grandma." Sooyeon said as she hugged the woman.

"Sooyeon, who are all these people?" Her grandma asked, slightly shocked at their sight.

"People from high school." Sooyeon replied and her grandmother became wide eyed.

"Do they know?" She asked Sooyeon, knowing how much the incident affected her.

Sooyeon nodded in response. "They said they're okay with me. They were really nice about it too." Sooyeon assured and her grandma let out a sigh of relief before cooing at Dea for a quick second.

"That's good. Well, what is everyone doing here?" She asked as she walked past Sooyeon and stood in front of the boys.

"Helping Renjun and Sooyeon. I'm Haechan by the way." Haechan said as he stood up and bowed to the older while the other boys did the same out of respect.

"Well, what do you need help with?" Her grandma asked as she took a seat in the armchair while Sooyeon handed Dea to Haechan who wanted to play with her.

"Well, the first step for us is to figure out where to live. The problem is, he lives in Seoul where his job is and all his friends but we live in Busan where I work and live with you." Sooyeon said and her grandmother let out an 'ah', understanding their struggle.

"What do you think they should do, ma'am?" Jeno asked the lady.

"Easy. Sooyeon, move in with Renjun." Her grandmother replied which shocked the girl.

"But, what about you? What about my job? I can't leave you here alone and leave my job like that. You need help around the restaurant!" Sooyeon said. She was clearly scared of leaving the place she felt safe in.

"Your brother was going to move in soon and I have a friend in Seoul who could easily give you a job." Her grandmother said, as if she had everything planned out.


"Listen, I know you're scared but you have to face it, Sooyeon. You can't let your past eat at you forever. You couldn't run away from all of those people forever either. You have to face it and go back to your home city." Her grandmother said, cutting her off before she could make another excuse.

Sooyeon stared at her with tears in her eyes, the tears not falling but very much on the verge of it.

Noticing her near tears, her grandmother opened her arms, signaling for the girl to embrace her which she more than gladly did.

"I know it's scary but it's the best option. Trust me on that, okay?" Her grandmother said and the girl nodded.

"When we're you going to tell me that Baekhyun was coming, though?" Sooyeon asked as she released from the hug, remembering that her grandmother told her that her brother would be moving in.

"Till the day you moved out. We don't have enough room for him right now so we said the once you moved out and faced your fears again, then he would move in." Her grandmother explained before looking out the window and realizing it was now dark.

"You boys may leave. Renjun, I'm sure these twins would be a handful if you left right now so you can spend the night till tomorrow when she moves with you." Her grandmother said and everyone nodded in understanding.

"You guys coming tomorrow to help me get her things? I didn't bring my car so I'm like stuck her if none of you can help." Renjun asked and Jeno nodded.

"I can help and maybe the other boys could bring their cars for the extra things." Jeno said and looked over to Haechan and Jaemin who nodded.

"We got you." Haechan said and patted Renjun's shoulder.

"It was nice seeing you again, Sooyeon. We'll see you again tomorrow." Jaemin said and Sooyeon gave a smile.

The boys bid goodbye to everyone before leaving, having Sooyeon, her grandmother, and Renjun standing there while the twins laid in their carriers, obviously not able to get out.

"You can go ahead and head to my room. Second door on the left upstairs. Take one or both of the twins with you." Sooyeon told Renjun and nodded as he grabbed both the baby carriers and made his way up the stairs, entering her room.

"Please, don't be scared Sooyeon. I'm more than certain that Renjun and his friends will take care of you and make sure those people won't hurt you." Her grandmother assured the girl who smiled just a bit.

"I hope you're right. Well, I'm gonna go ahead and pack. I wanna get enough sleep for tomorrow." She told her grandmother who nodded.

"Alright. I'll go ahead and call Baekhyun then so he can start packing as well. Get good rest, okay?" Her grandmother told her and Sooyeon nodded before heading up the stairs and to the small closet, grabbing some boxes from her first move there.

She then went back to her room where she saw Renjun rocking the twins back and forth in their carrier. The sight made her smile.

"You can go ahead and sleep. I'll just be packing." Sooyeon said as she turned off her light and turned on her lamp instead.

"I can help if you'd like. It'll get things done faster and you'd be able to sleep earlier." Renjun offered and she smiled.

"That'd be amazing, thanks!" She said and handed him a box that he accepted.

And so the two packed, organizing her items and placing them in the boxes.

As they packed, Renjun kept cracking jokes to make the girl laugh, making her feel leisure for the following day. He wanted to make sure everything would be alright.

The two had finished packing around midnight, a sigh of relief escaping their mouths as they taped the last box.

"Thank you again for helping me." She said and Renjun just shook his head.

"It was the least I could do. Now let's go ahead and get some rest. I can sleep on the floor if you'd like and the twins could sleep with you." Renjun offered and Sooyeon shook her head.

"You can sleep on the bed too. It's big enough. Just have the twins sleep in the middle of us." Sooyeon said and after a bit of hesitation, Renjun agreed.

And so, the two took their babies out of the carriers and placed them on the bed before getting on either side.

"Goodnight, Renjun." Sooyeon said followed by a yawn.

"Goodnight, Sooyeon." Renjun replied tiredly before the two drifted off into a sleep, gaining their energy for the next day.

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