Wait! What?! Did your father just say he was impressed?

You had to slowly process his words, your mouth hanging wide opened as your eyes searched for his. Your father was talking to you, he was acknowledging you.

"You've done a good job (Y/N)," he smirked. "Though I suppose Gakuho's son got first place," he said nonchalantly as he turned his attention back to his food.

You bit your bottom lip as you thought on whether or not to tell them. You were pretty sure they didn't even know of Karma's existence which gave you the high ground.

On the one hand, if you were to tell them, you would be risking your relationship with Karma since they could get suspicious. Although there was a very slim chance of that happening. After all, in your parents' eyes, you were incapable of going against them.

On the other hand, it would finally give you an opportunity to introduce Karma to your parents. It wasn't like you were going to tell them he was your boyfriend or even have them meet face to face. You only wanted them to know he existed so you could start painting him as the boy you knew and not the one from all the rumours.

As you were reflecting on the pros and cons of each option,, a sudden thought crossed your mind.

'Asano still knows Karma and I went to the cinema at the beginning of the school year.'

You frowned. How could you have forgotten such an important detail?! If Asano one day brought up Karma and your parents asked about him, he would most certainly describe him as a delinquent. You tightly pressed your lips together, your eyes full of determination as you began coming up with a plan.

"Actually," you spoke up as you averted your father's intense gaze. "Asano didn't get top spot this time."

"Huh? He didn't?" Your father raised an eyebrow.

"And who did?" Your mother asked, her face full of confusion.

"He's a boy in my class," you began playing with your food. "Though you probably don't know him. I barely even knew he existed until I was sent to the end class," you began to rant, a bit nervous on how you were going to tackle this sensitive topic.

"So who is he?" Your mother interrupted you, her curiosity getting the best of her.

"Hmm whoever he was, he must be quite an intelligent man to be able to beat Gakuho's son," your father said.

Upon hearing your father's words, you couldn't help but smile internally at your good luck. If everything went well and your parents finally approved of Karma you could finally rest easy and you would never have to worry about Asano slipping and telling your parents about that cinema meetup.

"Well yeah, he's pretty intelligent," you agreed and nodded your head. "His name is Akabane Karma," you smiled.

As soon as those words left your mouth, your mother's eyes went completely round, her whole body tensing as her mouth opened ajar. Her chopsticks fell onto the table, making a loud, clattering noise as they hit the porcelain plate. Your father on the other hand stared at you in disbelief, his eyebrows raised as his blood red eyes stared right into your soul. And lastly, your brother, sitting in front of you, had stopped eating, his eyes going from your father's face, then to yours and finally to your mother's.

"Honey, did you say... Akabane Karma?" Your mother hesitated before saying his name.

You gulped, not expecting this reaction. How did they know about him?!

"Yes," you meekly said, already knowing it was more of a rhetorical question. "You... know about him?" You then shifted your gaze to your father.

"Of course we know about him," he simply replied. "He lives nearby."

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