Then I drove off, and did the opposite action when we got to our hotel.

The next couple of days were somewhat normal, and America only experienced mild symptoms.

However, that changed when the fourth day rolled around.

He started to cough up the powder again, and he was basically confined to our bed. Vomit was commonplace, so I placed a bowl next to his bed, as well as some pain relievers for whenever some cramps or other symptoms traversed into his cells.

I stayed with him for the entire day while he was like that, and I did the best I could to help him feel better, though my attempts were short-lived.

I sighed, as I helped him into my car so that we could return home. Like before, it was hard to stay with him on those days, but I knew that I needed to.

I only left him alone around lunch, but that was due to the fact that I still needed to convince Mr.Ludvig to lend this town, or heck, the whole oblast over to America.

A grimace stained my face, as I started the gas to go back to get our stuff. It looked like I didn't try hard enough. Or maybe I wasn't as convincing as I thought I was.

It was probably both.

The days following the fourth weren't all that much better, in fact, they might have been worse. He could move, but that came with intense fainting risk. Gratefully, whenever that did happen, they only lasted for seconds. However, it scared the living daylights out of me, since he could fall and hit his head on anything.

The two of us walked into our hotel room. I did the majority of the packing, since most of America's strength was swallowed up by his immune system. I really didn't mind, it helped me put my anger into something productive.

The clothes went into two bags, the pots and pans went into another, and everything that wasn't related to those took up the last bag.

As I stepped over to America to tell him that we could go now, but the only person I found was an empty husk of the man who used to be there.

I reached my hands out to his shoulders, "Hey..." I stated as gently as I could. "Arrre you okay? Do you need to talk about it?"

His head lifted up and soulless eyes attached onto mine, while he shook his head slightly, "Why even ask that question if the answer is obvious?"

"Because I vant to know vhy." I responded after a bit of a pause.

I took a seat next to him, and looped one of my arms around his shoulders, "Well, it isn't that hard to figure out. Since this place doesn't accept my leadership, and my states along with my people are doubting me back in my homeland, is there really any way to prevent the inevitable?"

"No no no. You vill not, you cannot, I vill not allow it." I squeezed him closer to me. "I vill not let you die."

America wheezed out a dry chuckle that was shortly accompanied by several coughs, "Russia, deep down you knew that this was coming. I knew that it was coming. And I'm certain that the bitch across the sea knew it too."

My other arm wrapped around him as he spoke, and they drew him closer to me, "But zherrre has to be a vay to fix zhis, rrright? Ve could terry anotherrr one of my oblasts, orrr even a rrrepublic. Heck, ve could ask someone else to help, like yourrr brrrotherrr-"

America reached up one of his hands and covered my mouth, "Shh, I know I stand for free speech and all, but I can't stand when somebody is spitting out bullshit. I've already come to terms with it."

"Vhat do you mean zhat you have come to terrrms vith it?" I reached up to America's hand and removed it. "You arrre going to die if ve do nothing!"

Light of Mine (RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now