Ask & Dare 45

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Sea: >:(

Sea: Its not my fault I can't control my self- UnU

Aziel: HAH! AnD I'M pRoUD oF iT! >:D

Nova: I usually insult people I don't like-


Who would laugh if someone fell down the stairs? by OnCrackLikeGod

Fandom: I wouldn't laugh. I would smile being like

Fandom: Oh goodness you ok-?

Nova: *don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious*

OddAvacada: Of course I would :)


Aziel: >:)

Aziel: Me

Harmony: Depends on the person it is. 

Alex: Hmm....

Rea: Uhh no? :<


Who screams the most? by OnCrackLikeGod

Fandom: OwO'

Nova: OwO' 

Alex: O>O'

Fandom: Probably be Nova tho-

Nova: Wut-

Fandom: Your always raging screaming across the room because of minecraft-

Nova: Oh ye-


Who smiles the most? by OnCrackLikeGod

Fandom: Uhhhh-

Fandom: It will probably be me when I'm around my friends-

Aziel: Ye definitely Fandom.

OddAvacado: *cough cough* Around friends?

Fandom: Or when I'm doing something in my computer. :')))

OddAvacado: Oh WaiT! 

OddAvacado: Nova also smiles a lot. 

Nova: :DDD

Fandom: Oh ye-


Whos the LEAST logical? by OnCrackLikeGod

Fandom: Hmm...

Fandom: Maybe Nova-?

Fandom: Shes never logical-

Fandom: Or it could be Alex! 

Fandom: Cause they always be screaming and fan girling-

Alex: UwU

Fandom:  -w-'


Whos the most Logical? by OnCrackLikeGod

Fandom: Harmony or Aziel.

Fandom: Well I think its probably Aziel-


Who is the most protective by OnCrackLikeGod


Fandom: Welllllll

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