Chapter 16

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Darkness, pure darkness, that's what Lauren was in for the past three months. It was lonely and quiet. In this darkness time didn't exist, nothing did.

It was the only time Lauren wasn't stressed or worried about what people thought, or a better educational system or the Countries financial debt or foreign affairs or anything regarding her sexuality. The only thing that existed was that darkness and her.

She was in a never-ending slumber and when she finally decided she wanted it to end, she woke.

"Lauren, Lauren!" She heard somebody shout. "Nurse we need a nurse." Casey, Lauren thought, the voice she was hearing was Casey's.

After about half an hour of a nurse checking all her vitals, Lauren was finally left alone with Casey.

"What happened? Why am I in a hospital?" Lauren asked her voice raspier than ever before and her throat was dry.

Casey didn't answer; she stood and poured Lauren a cup of water. "Drink Laur." Casey said

Lauren obeyed and drank the entire cup of water. "Casey answer my question." Lauren said when she was finished.

"Laur, you were shot, a bullet straight to your shoulder. The bullet barely missed your heart. The doctor said you are lucky to be alive." Casey spoke slowly making sure Lauren understood her.

"Have I been in a coma?"

"Yes, for three months. I thought you would never wake." Casey’s eyes started to water.

"Who’s running the Country?"

"Andrew, your Vice President but you are still the President. They were going to give you another month. Thank god you finally woke."

Lauren was quiet for a few seconds; she was having trouble processing the information. "Did anyone get hurt?"

Casey was quiet now, she did not want to answer that question.

"Casey...?" Lauren waited.

"We lost John and... William."

"William? William wasn't with me, he was with... Camila, Casey where is Camila?" Lauren sat up.

Casey didn't answer.

"Casey, don't make me ask you again."

"We don't know where she is, around the same time you were shot Camila was kidnapped. We have no leads on her whereabouts. Lauren I'm sorry.”

“What? Casey please tell me you are lying to me. Tell me I’m still in a coma and that this is a nightmare.” Lauren started to cry. “Please Case, please.”

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