Chapter 9

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“Camila isn’t answering her phone!” Lauren told Casey in a panicked tone. She had been trying to reach her sense she saw the paper.

“Lauren maybe she’s busy, she is on tour.” Casey tried to calm her.

“But she usually always answers.” Lauren was afraid, afraid to lose her and afraid to be without her. She’d had her, she was in her veins now, and she couldn’t give her up. Not now, maybe not ever.

“Lauren she will call you back but right now when need to figure out what we are going to do. I talked to the team and you have a couple options.” Casey needed her to focus.

“Okay, I’m sorry, what are our options?” Lauren took a few deep breaths and tried to focus. Her mind had a million theories of why Camila wasn’t answering.

“We can deny it 100 percent, we can say that it’s a look alike and that you were still in Russia when the picture was taken or you can own up to it. Give a speech; say it was you and that you’re a lesbian. Tell the world how much you love Camila. Use this to our advantage, we can run a full reelection campaign based off this.” Casey and the rest of the team had spent two hours locked in a room looking at options and they’d finally decided that these were the only two that were plausible.

“I don’t know if the public will go for that, do you understand how important this is? If I fuck this up no woman will be elected president ever again. Cuba will be a joke to the world. No one will ever respect me again.” Lauren felt the whole weight of the world on her shoulders.

“Lauren people will understand, be sincere, be honest, it’s time for change in this Country and you are the one that can do that.” Casey believed in Lauren and her ability to lead.

“How do I even know that people will support me?”

“Have you seen the Fourth Harmony blog? They call you two, CAMREN. They are so excited about this Lauren. They’re writing fan fiction about you two and it’s only been a few hours. Imagine what you can accomplish in a year for the LGBTQ movement, you could change the world.” Casey seemed to be trilled by the idea that Lauren could make such a difference.

Lauren couldn’t think clearly, she needed to talk to Camila, she had to know what was going through her head.

“Lauren you have to make a decision.” Casey snapped Lauren out of her thoughts.

“I need a few hours Casey, a day would be even better.”

“What do you want me to say to the media? They are outside of the white house waiting for a responds.”

“Tell them I’m running the fucking Country and they will get a statement when I’m done dealing with more important topics other than who I’m fucking.” Lauren was mad now, she was the most powerful person in the Country and she wasn’t going to be manipulated by the media. She will talk to them when she was ready.

“That’s my girl, I will have to rephrase that but I will let them know,” Casey walked out with a smile on her face, she was so proud of Lauren.

When Casey left, the first thing Lauren did was call a meeting for every single person that worked for her. She explained to them the situation and that the rumors were true. She told them if anybody didn’t want to work for her because of her relationship preferences they could leave. She didn’t want them working for her any way. Lauren was thankful that no one left and it made her feel good that she was supported and had a team she could trust. Then she sent them all home for the rest of the day and told them to be there bright and early tomorrow.

She then considered calling William to see why Camila wasn’t answering her phone calls but she decided against it. She figured that Casey was right and maybe she was busy. So she did something she hadn’t done in a long time. She took the rest of the day off.

She took a long relaxing bubble bath and ordered a Pizza. She then put the Miami Heat basketball game on and watched that for the rest of the night. When the game ended she picked up the book Camila let her borrow and stared reading and then she let herself get engulfed in the world of Katniss Everdeen and the Hunger Games. As she read, she let her mind forget about what tomorrow would bring and focused on the story she had in hand. When she finally decided to stop reading she was half way through and it was time for bed. So she did just that, she closed her eyes and let herself drift into a deep sleep.

Lauren already knew what she was going to do in the morning all she was waiting for was Camila to give her the okay. She couldn’t do it alone and she needed to be sure that Camila wanted what Lauren did. It would be very selfish of Lauren to make any move without Camila’s approval and she knew that this affected Camila as much as it did her. She also realized that she didn’t want to do this alone, what was the point. If Camila didn’t want to be with her anymore she would just deny any rumors and go back to being alone and miserable. But for Camila and with Camila by her side she felt she could do anything. Even take on a whole Country for their lov

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