Chapter 6

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“You shut down a whole movie theatre just for me,”Camila’s face looked like she was five again.

“Of course,” there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you, she thought but kept that to herself.

“What are we watching?”

“Anything you want.”

“Okay lets see,” Camila looked at the movie options. “How about Mockingjay Part 1?”

“Sure, anything you want.”

“Have you seen the previous ones?

“No, I don’t have time to watch movies.”

“Have you read the books?”

“No, should I have?”

“Hell yes! When you drop me off I’ll let you borrow my copy.”

“Okay then, I guess I have to read it.”

“Yes it’s a requirement if you want to date me, or whatever this is.”

“Okay I will read it then,” Camila’s face lite up. This was one of the things that drove Lauren crazy about Camila, she was so full of life and she made her feel like she could conquer the world.

“You will more than likely be really lost, are you sure you don’t want to watch something else?”

“I’m positive,” she smiled at the younger girl.

The girls got comfortable, Camila decided to stay seated and Lauren stretched out, she laid her head on Camila lap. Ten minutes into the movie Lauren fell asleep and Camila couldn’t help but admire how beautiful the girl on her lap was.

Her dark brown hair was long and Camila ran her finger through it. It was soft and she could smell the shampoo, it was pomegranate Camila decided. Lauren’s skin was pale but for whatever the reason was Camila loved it, it was the opposite of hers and she found it beautiful, just like every part of Lauren.

Camila also noticed a slight weight lost. She could only imagine it being because of stress. She couldn’t imagine how hard Lauren’s job was and realized that maybe she should cut her some slack. She was trying her best and no matter how much Camila wanted to deny it, she new they couldn’t have a relationship at the moment.

For the first time since she meant her, Lauren looked peaceful. Her breathing steady as her chest moved up and down.

Camila had never felt what she felt with Lauren and she didn’t know how to handle her feelings. The other girl being 4 years older and more experienced in all aspects of life and was better at holding back. Camila couldn’t, she felt what she felt and she wanted to express it. That’s how she was raised, she didn’t know any better. On the other hand Lauren was always composed and she understood why.

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