Chapter 1

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“Really Casey, why do I have to do these things. I have a God damn country to run. I don’t want to get there and listen to crappy pop artist sing the same Christmas songs we already know,” Lauren voiced while walking to the makeup room. She hated things like this. She’d just been elected to office and has a lot of things she wants to accomplish. She ran for presidency to make this Country better and she didn’t understand why they wasted her time with these things. It infuriated her.

“Laur all you have to do is smile and act like your enjoying yourself. Maybe you can even flirt a little. There will be plenty of men there,” Casey has been Lauren assistant for 5 years now and Lauren considered Casey her best friend. But there were moments that Lauren wanted to smack her and this was one of them. Casey was always trying to set her up. She didn’t get it! She didn’t need a man. She’d gotten this far without one.

“Case, I don’t want to flirt. I want to lower this Country’s financial debt and I want a better education system. So tell me how this event is going to help me accomplish that?” Lauren looked at Casey expectantly.

“It’s not..”

“Exactly! That’s my point.”

“Well, you have to be there. So try to make the best of it and mingle.”


As the acts performed, Lauren did her best not to show how much she loathed being there. She would clap and smile just like Casey told her.

“Please Welcome Fourth Harmony!”

As the next act started performing “All I want For Christmas” one particular member caught her attention. A slim brunette, which Lauren could tell wasn’t the best dancer out of the group, made Lauren actually kind of enjoy her self. She was adorable and extremely sexy all at the same time and she fascinated Lauren.

“Who’s the brunette?” Lauren asked Casey.

“Camila Cabello, why?” Casey didn’t look at her.

“No reason just curious. Is she a democrat?”

“It would seem so.”

“Do you think she voted for me?”

“I’d think so. She’s a woman and she’s Cuban. Why wouldn’t she have voted for you?”

“She’s Cuban?”

“Yes. Why do you care?” Casey finally looked at her.

“I’m just wondering Case relax. Jeez, who’s the boss here? I just think she has a pretty voice that’s all.”

“Do you want me to put them on the list? That way you won’t be so miserable every time we have one of these things.”

“Sure,” was all that Lauren said.


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