Chapter 13

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“If I hadn’t broken up with you there wouldn’t be any more Fourth Harmony. I would have ruined Ally, Dinah and Normani’s careers as well Lauren. I don’t care about ruining mine but I care about theirs. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I had ruined it for them,” Camila had tears falling down her face.

“I’m sorry,” Lauren didn’t know what to say, she felt horrible. “I didn’t know.”

“Of course you didn’t because you just assumed the worst. You should have known better, you should have believed in what I felt for you.”

“Camila you should have told me. You should have trusted me with this information. I could have made this all go away.”

“I didn’t want to take advantage of you like that, I didn’t want you to think I was using you.”

“Using me? I want you to use me, I want you to take advantage of me, and I want you to tell me everything and anything that is bothering you.” Lauren was extremely frustrated with the situation, after finding out that this could have all been prevented if only Camila had told her.

“I was scared okay, I was scared of losing you and losing the girls. I was scared that I was going to lose both of you and I can’t handle losing both of you.” Camila was crying hysterically now.

“You weren’t going to lose me, or the girls.”

“But I did now didn’t I? I’ve lost you?” Camila whipped away the tears that were still falling.

“We will talk about that later, right now I have a record label to talk to.”


Lauren had been in the room for an hour and a half now and Camila was getting impatient. She was pacing back and fourth for about an hour. What was going on in there Camila wondered. When the door finally opened and Lauren stepped out she ran up to her.

“Oh my God finally! What happened?” Camila asked as soon as Lauren stepped out.

“Relax, everything went great.” Lauren smiled.

“What they say?” Camila asked impatiently.

“Well I told them that what they were doing was illegal and as the President I couldn’t allow that. Then they said something about a contract and I said the could shove it up there assholes whilst I tore it up.” Lauren said this as of it wasn’t a big deal.

“You did not?” Camila’s face was in shock.

“Yes I did, so now you can date whomever you want, and also I told them to give you girls a raise because they work you all to the bone.” Lauren smiled at Camila again and she felt strange. She hadn’t smiled, truly smiled since they had broken up.

“Thanks Lauren, I… I feel really stupid now for everything that happened.”

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