Chapter 2

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She was tired; being president was the most tiring thing she had ever done. The only thing that helped her get through these past couple of weeks was thinking about the possibility of meeting Camila.

She had thought long and hard of what she wanted from Camila and she had concluded that she wanted a friendship, at least for now. She came up with two reasons of why this was. One, she didn't want to get her hopes up. She didn't know Camila at all and didn't know anything about Camila's personal life. Two, she wasn't ready to admit it yet, she needed time for her mind to adjust to the unexpected realization. So until she worked those two things out friends would have to be enough.

As Lauren entered the dining room, guest quickly greeted her. She didn't feel like socializing she was extremely too tired for that but she had to. Casey was never to far away nor was her secret service, who were always watching. As she made her way through the room, she spotted a girl in a beautiful blue dress. Just as Lauren realized whom the girl was the girl turned and made eye contact with her.

God she looked stunning Lauren thought.

Lauren made her way to her.

"Hello Ms. Cabello, I'm glad we finally get to meet this time," Lauren smiled as she took in the wonderful fragrance of Camila's perfume.

"You know my name?" Camila looked surprised.

Lauren let out soft laugh, "I know all of your names." Lauren spotted Casey who was watching her very attentively now.

"Right, because you're the President and you know a lot of stuff," Camila looked embarrassed.

Lauren observed the girl, "Are you nervous?"

"Is it that obvious? I'm sorry, I just really look up and admire you. You're my motivation and I'm just so happy to finally meet you." Camila was blushing.

"That is very sweet and thank you I'm honored. You look very beautiful," Lauren couldn't help it. It slipped out and she was mentality smacking her self for being so obvious. She's the president. Things can't just slip out.

"Thank you but really you are the one that looks amazing. You shouldn't ever be allowed to wear red. It looks amazing on you." Camila blushed again. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that to the President of the United States. I'll shut up now," Camila covered her mouth.

It was Lauren's turn to blush now, "It's perfectly fine. I'm very flattered." That's all that she could think to say. The compliment had caught her completely off guard. Thankfully she didn't have to speak because Camila spoke again.

"Thank you for the flowers by the way, they were beautiful. The girls and I all loved them."

"You're welcome, I'm glad you all liked them. Do you like flowers?"

"Yes, I love flowers, especially if I'm getting them for no reason at all, just because someone was thinking of me and decided to send them." Lauren took this opportunity to look at the girl up close. She was beautiful. Dark brown eyes and dark brown hair that complemented her skin tone perfectly.

"Does your boyfriend send you flowers?" Lauren couldn't help but ask she needed to know.

"I don't have one. I've been single for a while now," Camila smiled.

Lauren's heart skipped a beat. One less thing to worry about she thought.

"Lauren we are ready to start dinner," Casey suddenly whispered in her ear, God how Casey could always sneak up her.

Presidential Importance (Camren)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon