Chapter 3

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Lauren didn’t get any sleep that night. She was anxious about calling Camila. She hadn’t planned this far ahead and didn’t know what to say to her. She wanted to call her today, she wanted to call her right now but Lauren didn’t have control of her own life. She had three meetings and a televised speech, which she hadn’t written yet. The speech is about her plans for lowering the financial debt, it was one of her campaign promises and she wants to be a president that actually keeps her promises. She was the first female president and she wanted to do a good job. If she failed she didn’t know if the public would ever elect another female president.

As Lauren went through her day Camila would creep into her thoughts. Her in that blue dress was tattooed into her memory and every time she would let her mind go there her breathing would become uneven and she would lose all ability to think. She was a few minutes from delivering her speech so she needed to focus. So she took a deep breath and cleared her mind.


Camila’s day was full of interviews and autograph signings; Fourth Harmony had a few performances, which were quick and easy. She’s had busier days and was glad that her and the girls were able to retire early that day.

As she lay in bed and scrolled through her tumblr, her phone started to buzz. She had a good idea of who it could be. She sled her thumb across her iPhone. “Hello,” her voice-sounding shaker than she wanted it to.

“Hi, I really hope I didn’t wake you because I have no idea in what part of the world you’re in right now,” Lauren blurted out.

“What? Are you telling me that the girl that knows everything doesn’t know where I am?” Camila joked.

“I’m the girl that knows a lot, not everything.”

“Right, well my sincere apologizes Madam President.”

“Call me Lauren, Camila.”

“My apologizes, Lauren.”

“That’s much better, apology accepted.”

There was a long pause.

“So, how are you?” Camila was the first one to break the silence.

“I’m better now. How are you?” Lauren didn’t want to bombard Camila with her problems, she probably had her own.

“I’m great, but how are you really?” Camila persisted.

“I’m fine really, just busy and a little tired.”

“Okay, that wasn’t that hard now was it?”

“I guess not,” Lauren chucked a little.

“You have a very sexy laugh.”

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