Im in trouble aren't I?

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I saw through the corner of my eye something terrible. Horrifying. Absolutely gross.

Rusher leaned in and kissed bee! Why did I feel jealous? Idk. My turned red. Bright red. I was furious. I marched over and rusher walked off.

Bee was so caught up in the moment she was just staring off into space. She finally whispers " sorry." I get so infuriated by that I start screaming and cussing hwr out. I finally just ran off. fans trying coming after me but I got to my car and drove to the cube house. Grape finally got here.

I told Grape everything I was crying so hard by this point. Wait. Why was i crying? Bee just had her first kiss I should be happy right? Why am I like this? Grape calmed me down and called everyone over to see if they can explain what happened.

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