when i'm afraid to fall

Start from the beginning

"Oh, snap!" the other students around us chorused.

I grinned and walked away. "Well, you know where to find me. At the library in the reference section."

I think I'm the only person in a long time who's stood up to her. Her "friends" are just her followers who...well, follow her around. She's the high school version of the Queen of Hearts.

Do you want to know a secret? Well, of course, you do.

I could always tell, there was a soul of a real girl behind that shell of a woman. My mom says I'm good at reading people.

Even back then, Nini never noticed me.

She's always gained the upper hand, always the popular girl. I honestly don't know how she even got to twelfth grade. More likely than not, she strangled a teacher or held them hostage.

I sighed as I walk to class. You can't change people.

"Come on, dude! Please!" Red whines.

"No, I'm not going to that party," I say firmly. "I have some studying to do."

"That's what you always say," he groaned. "You're Ricky Bowen, when have you ever failed a test?"

"I did get one D back in seventh grade."

"That's beside the point! C'mon, maybe you'll get a chance with the Wicked Witch of the West."

"Why should I care about her?"

"Please! I heard that Ashlyn Caswell is going to be there!"

I roll my eyes. Red's been trying to get an in with Ashlyn Caswell, one of Nini's cheerleader minions for weeks.

"Fine, but you owe me big-time."

"You can't bring any textbooks with you this time. Enjoy the party!" Red insisted.

Caswell parties are legendary, yet I've never been to one. I'm surprised the twins' parents let them do this.

There's booze, lots of it. A group of teens who always go to the bathroom somewhere in the middle of the night, some who sneak off to the spare guest bedroom saying they left something, and then there are the cheerleaders.

I spotted her in the corner. Nini was wearing her usual cheerleading uniform and chatting with the minions, likely about some new routine or some cute boys. I honestly don't understand what all is the point of fruitless talk like that. They could very well be discussing Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Mark Twain, and instead, their topic of choice was social media.

I heard Kourtney whisper, "Oh look, there's the nerd boy. Didn't think Ricky Bowen'd show up."

The squad walked over to me. "What are you doing here?" Nini asked coldly.

"I'm here to support a friend," I answered matter-of-factly.

"Friends? Didn't think you had any, or are your only friends those textbooks you carry around all day?"

They all cracked up like Humpty Dumpty at the joke, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"Oh, look, Seven Minutes in Heaven is starting!" Ashlyn exclaimed. The group of teenagers made their way over to the carpet.

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