"You want some, babe?" Cheryl asked, holding out the bowl of fruits. "No, I'm good, baby. Thank you though." She declined gently.

She was filled with too many nerves to eat. She feels as if something will go wrong, no matter how many times Cheryl reassured her, she felt uneasy.

"Hey, you alright?" Cheryl snapped her out of her thoughts. "Oh-uhm-yeah." Toni stammered, "Just tired." She forced a chuckle.

Cheryl eyed her skeptically but let the brunette roam back off into her thoughts. She knew the tanned woman was worrying. Deep down Cheryl was worried too, Toni's mother died from birth. They didn't know if Toni received that gene or the same problem, but they ran tests and everything came back okay. Cheryl just kept her faith.

"How's Ali?" The redhead asked. Toni sighed, "She's staying still as usual." Toni chuckled. Cheryl reached over, grasping the brunette's hand. It brought Toni instant comfort and she smiled, turning to look at her wife who gave her a small peck.

When they pulled away, Toni adjusted herself but instead of feeling comfortable, she let out a blood curling scream.

Cheryl jumped at the scream, standing up to figure out why the brunette yelled. "Fuck! It hurts! It hurts!" She screamed.

Cheryl repeatedly pressed the red nurse button and a bunch of nurses came rushing in. "It's alright, TT. They're here." Cheryl whispered, caressing her brown hair.

"It hurts so bad!" She cried. "Oh no." The nurse said and Cheryl looked up at her with concern.

"She's bleeding, DOCTORS!!" Another yelled as they rushed out of the room. "She's bleeding! What the fuck do you mean she bleeding?!" The redhead asked.

"The umbilical cord is choking the baby. It somehow got around her neck." She explained as Dr. Sanders and other professional doctors rushed in.

Cheryl turned to look at Toni who was look around worriedly, "Hey, hey, don't worry, baby. Everything is okay." Cheryl tried to reassure her.

"We have to get her out now or they both die." Cheryl heard Dr. Sanders mumble. Her heart dropped and she could've sworn she heard it shatter.

She looked back at Toni and smiled at her, "You're okay, baby." She said as tears pricked her eyes, "You're okay." She whispered.

Toni's brown eyes stared back at blue ones and the brunette could see the flashes of their moments together. Cheryl laughing in the meadow they used to visit in high school, Cheryl sleeping in her jersey, Hunter throwing flour at Cheryl, and the redhead dumping the whole bag onto the both of them as they rolled on the ground in a fit of laughter, Hunter's matching blue eyes, his giggles. She was leaving all of that. She knew it.

"Hey, hey, don't close your eyes, okay?" Cheryl says as they rushed down the hall and into the surgical ward.

"I-I love you-you, Cher." The brunette rasped out, "A-And tell H-Hunt-"

"Hey, I'm not telling him anything because you can tell him yourself, okay?" Cheryl whispered. "T-Tell him I love him." She swallowed, reaching up to caress Cheryl's cheek.

"No, no, don't close your eyes, Toni!" The redhead yelled. "I'm tired." The brunette says as they inject her with numbing medicine.

"Okay, we have to get the umbilical cord from around her neck." Dr. Sanders mumbled to Cheryl. The redhead nodded and she gave Cheryl scrubs, knowing she didn't want to leave her wife here.

"Hey, baby. Hey? You want to talk about that motorcycle you wanted last week?" Cheryl asked and Toni nodded.

"Yeah, tell me about it. What color is it?" She asked gently and Toni was fighting to keep her eyes open.

Always & Forever   (Choni)Where stories live. Discover now