Pirate Lords Meeting

Start from the beginning

"Shipwreck Cove is a fortress, a well supplied fortress. There is no need to fight if they cannot get to us" Mistress Cheng states. She's the only female pirate lord, at least she was before Elizabeth took over Sao Feng's position. While what she says is true, I'd rather go down fighting.

"There is a third course. In another age, at this very spot, the first court captured the sea goddess, and bound her in her bones. That was a mistake. Oh, we tamed the seas for ourselves, aye, but opened the door to Beckett and his ilk. Better were the days when mastery of seas came not from bargains struck with eldritch creatures, but from the sweat of a man's brow and the strength of his back alone. Y'all know this to be true. Gentlemen, ladies. We must free Calypso" Uncle Hector explains.

"Shoot him!" one the lord's orders.

"Cut out his tongue!" another exclaims.

"Shoot him and cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue. And trim that scraggly beard" Dad adds. I elbow him, he is not helping the situation.

"Sao Feng would have agreed with Barbossa" Tai Huang tells Elizabeth.

"Calypso was our enemy then, she will be our enemy now" a pirate lord states.

"And it's not likely her mood's improved" another lord agrees. I really need to ask Gibbs what their names are.

"I would still agree with Sao Feng, we release Calypso!" one states. This starts a fight and they are soon all arguing. I soon climb onto the table and fire my pistol. Gaining everyones attention.

"That's better, you can speak now uncle" I say as he joins me on the table.

"It was the first court what imprisoned Calypso, and we will be the ones to set her free, and in her gratitude she will see fit to grant us boons" he tells them.

"Whose boons? Your boons? Utterly deceptive twaddlespeak, says I" dad states. Uncle Hector and I hope off of the table.

"If you have a better alternative, please, share" Uncle Hector tells him.

"Cuttlefish. Let us not, dear friends, forget our dear friends the cuttlefish. Flippant glorious little sausages. Pen 'em up together and they'll devour each other without a second thought. Human nature, isn't it?...or....or fish nature. So yes, we could hole up here well provisioned and well armed and half of us would be dead within the month, which seems grim to me any way you slice it. Or, as my learned colleague so naively suggests, we could release Calypso, and we can pray that she will be merciful. I rather doubt it. Can we in fact pretend that she is anything other than a woman scorned, like which fury hell hath no? We cannot. Res ipso loquitur tabula in naufragio, we are left with but one option" he explains. "I agree with, and I cannot believe the words are comin' out of me mouth, Captain Swann. We must fight" he states.

"You've only ever run from a fight" Uncle Hector states.

"I have not" dad states.

"I have to agree with uncle dad, you've always run away from a fight and you know it" I tell him.

"Have not, slander and calumny! I have only ever embraced that oldest and noblest of pirate traditions. I submit here and now, that is what we all must do, we must fight... to run away" he explains. Gibbs agrees with him.

"As per the code, an act of war, and this be exactly that, can only be declared by the pirate king" Uncle Hector states.

"You made that up" dad accuses.

"Did he now dad? I call upon Grandfather Edward Teague, keeper of the code" I state. Grandpa appears making an entrance and I smile. The code is brought forth along with the key. He unlocks it and starts to read it.

"Barbossa is right" he declares and dad takes a look at it.

"Hang on a minute. It shall be the duty of the king to declare war, parlay with said adversaries... fancy that" Dad says.

"There's not been a king since the first court, and that's not likely to change" one the lord's states.

"Not likely" grandpa agrees and goes to his chair picking up his guitar. Dad calls for a vote. Everyone votes for themselves. Except dad, who votes for Elizabeth. Giving her two votes, making her the first Pirate King since the first court. She declares war.

Dad spoke briefly to grandfather. Before going to prepare the ship. "You are growing more beautiful everytime I see you" he tells me.

"You look well grandfather. I'm sorry for not visiting sooner and for our reunion be because of war" I tell him.

"It is fine, but keep your dad out of trouble" he tells me. "I don't want anything to happen to either of you" he states

"Well do, I hope we can catch up properly soon" I tell him. We share a hug. Before I return to the Pearl.


Picture above of Edward Teague and pictures on  the pirate lords.

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