Foxys POV 6pm:

The first band just finished and now it was break time. I was hungry and thought about getting some food. I turned over to Bonnie who was super hyped about the performance that he looked like he was jumping with joy. "That was so cool!" Bonnie said looking over at me. "I know! The first band was awsome. I wonder what the next band will be like." I said back with excitement. "That was fucking sick!" Ray said walking up to us. "Yea, it was very cool." Mangle added. "Hey imma grab some food. Yall want anything?" I asked. "I was gonna do the same so I'll come with." Grim said. "Yea same." Ray added. "I'll come with because I want something too." Mangle also said. "I don't want anything, I'll just stay here." BonBon announced. "I'll stay with BonBon then." Bonnie said. "Alright, we'll be back." I said as us four walked away. "Dude that band was awsome. What were they called?" Mangle asked as Grim shrugged. "I don't remember, we'll have to check later." I said. We kept walking until we made it to the food stands. "I'm in the mood for a hotdog. A taco would be too messy." Mangle said walking over towards the food stand. "Honestly I could go for one as well." I followed. "I'll go for one as well." Ray added with a gentleman like voice. "Well if everyone's getting a hot dog I might as well get one too." Grim said as we walked over with Mangle. It was kind of a long line so we had to wait a few. "This is gonna take so long." Mangle said with a groan. "It won't be that long." I said. We waited for a few until I got kinda bored and texted Bonnie to see if he was fine. I texted him and he didn't respond. Guess he's having too much fun. "Are ya textin Bonnie?" Mangles said leaning over my shoulder. "Maybe~." I said putting my phone away. "You can't stand a minute away from him can you?" "Yea I can. I'm just checking to see if he's having fun, he's antisocial and doesn't really like going out so I'm just checking on him. Plus it's been more than a minute." Mabgle giggled and Grim laughed. "You guys are made for each other." Mangle said. "I think it's cute how you act around him." Grim added. "Well he deserves it. He deserves to be loved and... yeknow, cared for. He's been abused, raped and... so much other shit. I just want him to be happy." "Its super cute though. I just never expected someone like you to be gay. Or in love with that cute ass bunny boy." "I didn't expect it either but here I am." "At first I thought Bonnie was dating that Lolbit girl." Ray said. "Shes just super close friends with Bonnie and Foxy gets kinda jealous." Grim said with a sligh tone. "I don't get jealous. I'm happy he made a strong best friend." "He told me that he thought that he made you gay and whatnot." Ray added again. "Eh, he kinda did. But then I felt like I was kinda interested in guys a little bit. Like I was exploring my sexuality and whatnot. I think I started thinking about more of that stuff after I rejected ChiChi." "Yea thats when we all started thinking you were gay for Bonnie." Mangle said with a chuckle. "Grim when did you decide that you were gay?" I asked trying to change that conversation from being just about me. "I have been for a long time. I think when I was thirteen I started to explore that sexuality. I never told anyone though cause you know how people can be." "But you told me." "Thats because I needed to tell someone." "Eh, I get that I guess." "Ray are you straight?" Grim asked Ray kinda surprising him. "Nope, I'm bisexual at the moment. Right now I'm trying to get with blackheart but I don't know, I might be something else." We walked with the line and made it to the front to order our food. We each orderd separately then sat down at a near by picnic table. "So when did you find our you were bi?" Mangle asked Ray. "A couple years ago. I just lost interest in most women. Plus, there are a ton of cute nice guys in the world." We started eating our food and me and Mangle just listened into Ray and Grims catch up conversation. Time pasted and it was about time for the next concert but I needed to go to the restroom before we went back. I excused myself and left to find the nearest bathroom. While I was walking I checked to see if Bonnie saw my text. Still unseen. That's odd. Maybe his phone died. Fuck Foxy stop worrying, he's fine. I looked up and saw a sign into a building for restrooms. I went over to it and ran in. I did my deeds and then went over towards the sink to wash my hands. Then my phone started ringing. It's probably Bonnie. I dried my hand and answerd the phone. "Hello-" "Foxy you need to get the fuck out of there right now." He interrupted him. "Why?" "Kai is there and he and his goons are looking for you and Bonnie." "What!? Are you serious?!" "Yendo showed use the groupchat messages. you need to find him now." "Why didn't you call him?!" "He didn't pick up." No. Nonononono, not again. Fuck, shit, fuck! "Foxy you-" "I'll call you back." "Wait Foxy-." I hung up and quickly ran out of the bathroom. You gotta be fucking kidding me! Why can't this fucker just leave us alone. Fucking hell. I can't lose him. I need to find him. I have to. Fuck Fuck Fuck! I was now sprinting back towards the concert to find Bonnie. He's with Frosty. I can call Frosty. Please be safe Bonnie. I dialed his number and waited. "Hello?" He said on the other line. "Frosty! Is Bonnie with you?" I asked in a hurry. "No, he and BonBon went to find you. Why?" "Kai is here and he is looking for Bonnie." "What? Are you serious?" "Yea Golden just told me. Yendo got a text from that group chat and told him." "Me and Blackheart will go find him. Be safe." "I will." I hung up and turned my direction to run towards the food stands that Grim is at. He's heading over there. Fuck I really hope Kai hadn't already found Bonnie. I can call Grim and see if Bonnie-. My thoughts stopped as I stopped next to a weird like alleyway. My heart started pumping ad I turned to look. There was a guy in all black with a black Mask looking at me. He had a gun in his right hand with a can like item attached to the front for a supressser. He was just staring at me. I could feel my hand start to sweat as I got ready to run. He lifted his arm up to point the gun at me and I immediately sprinted around the corner. "Oh Foxy!" I heard him shout. Fuck, that's Kai. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!!! I kept running and turning around corners so he didn't have a clear shot. I turned into and alleyway and started running down it to the other end. I heard a shot being fired and it hitting a metal pole. I quickly dived behind a garbage bin and heard him shot 3 more times until I heard a loud can crush like noise. "Mother fucker!" I heard him shout. The suppressor must have broke. I peeked to look to see if my thought was correct and to the looks of it, it was. I quickly bolted down the rest of the alleyway and saw the concert area. I ran into the crowd to lose Kai and when I turned around I saw him by that alleyway watching. Then he turned and disappeared. Holy fuck! I almost fucking died! Holy shit! I need to find Bonnie. Please be safe! Please please please. I can't fucking lose you now. I started pushing through the crowd as the next band was gonna start. I pushed through until I made it to our spot we were originally at and started to dial Grims Phone number.

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