Down In The DM

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His fingers hovered over the keyboard for a brief, nervous moment. But he quickly reminded himself that it was just a DM, and that the worst thing that could happen was she ignored it. Which, he sadly realized, was rather likely. No matter how famous he was, that didn't guarantee she would read it. It wasn't like he ever checked his own DM's.

Regardless, he took a deep breath and hit send.

"Have you seen my phone?" She dumped her purse out onto the hotel bed.

Penelope stared at her stepsister. "Are you being serious?"

"What? Why?" Cerys looked up.

"It's in your back pocket," Penelope rolled her eyes.

"Ah," Cerys said, grabbing the phone. "Right."

"Has anyone seen Annabelle this morning?" Penelope asked, sitting down next to the contents of Cerys' bag.

"Umm," Cerys mumbled, clicking on Instagram. "Nah."

"Helpful as always," Penelope teased. "Where's TK?"

"Probably micromanaging something or other," Cerys shrugged, suddenly sitting up a little straighter. "Look at this."

"What?" Penelope didn't move.

"Harry Styles messaged me," Cerys said, rereading the message.

@harrystyles: Hi Cerys. I've followed you for a while, and I noticed that you're in Paris currently. I'm playing a show here tonight, but would you like to get a drink after?

@harrystyles: On Instagram. I've been following you on Instagram. Not real life.

"Oh, cringe," Penelope cackled as she read it.

"Do you think I should answer it?" Cerys blinked nervously.

"Umm," Penelope thought aloud.

Annabelle walked in at that moment, carrying several shopping bags with her. She was on the phone with someone, complaining in French as she placed the bags on the ground. Finally hanging up, she looked at the two stepsisters.

"Are you seriously still in sweatpants? We have things to do," Annabelle shook her head. "Here, wear this. You've got an interview in two hours."

"Hold on," Penelope cut her off. "Harry Styles DM'd Cerys."

"Really?" Annabelle dropped her authoritative attitude and sat down next to Cerys, squinting at the phone. "Oh, awkward. That's a bad start."

"We've established that. What do I say now?" Cerys complained. "I didn't even know he followed me. Isn't it one of your jobs to make sure I know these sorts of things?"

"TK's," the other two girls said instantly.

"Sure," Cerys said dismissively. "Anyways, what am I wearing today?"

Cerys was very, very lucky. Not just because Harry Styles wanted to meet her. Her fame was something that even she struggled to understand most of the time. Sometimes it seemed like she'd acquired her 30 million followers overnight. According to most of them, she was a nice mix of funny and glamorous.

When she'd first realized that her personal brand was growing, she knew instantly that she needed a team to surround herself with and help her on a daily basis. So of course she'd picked her three best friends. Penelope, who was her older stepsister, handled her basic needs. Annabelle, who'd been studying fashion before dropping out of college, quickly became her stylist. And the currently missing TK, a Harvard graduate, was her manager. This was the only way Cerys would have ever wanted things.

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