Broken Promises ||Part 1||

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"Hey, pretty girl."

Y/n turns her head to the voice whispered delicately beside her, a fond smile stretching on her lips as her boyfriend presses a chaste kiss to her temple. He's holding a mug of her favorite tea with the softest look in his eyes, observing her in her most natural territory.

She's in their study room, her bare legs crossed beneath her and her hair tied lazily on the top of her head. She's got papers and various assortments of writing utensils laid out in front of her, some of the pieces crumbled and a majority of the pencils used to almost nothing.

She's glad Harry came in because she was starting to lose track of time. In all honesty, she even started to forget what the hell she was even trying to accomplish. Overworking herself never did her any good, especially when she forgets to look after herself while she does so.

"Hmm.." Y/n hums in contentment at the feel of his lips. "Hello, handsome."

She reaches her hand to his over her shoulder, loosely intertwining his fingers with her own as she presses the side of her head deeper against his mouth.

"I know you're working hard on writing your speech so I figured you needed something to keep you focused. Brought you some chai tea and a few vanilla wafers."

He sets everything down beside her, his mouth still grazing her temple with each passing word. "And also came to remind you that it's almost our bedtime. Don't know if I could sleep knowing you're down here and not with me."

Her cheeks flush and she giggles quietly, nodding her head to reassure him that she'll be there. But when silence falls between them and Y/n is finally able to take a breather from the stress, a sudden type fear settles in her bones.

She just found out two days ago that her poetry book Yours, Truly has won one of the biggest literary awards in London. It came as a shock considering this was her debut publish and was competing against hundreds of well-known authors.

Both her and Harry cried tears of happiness, surprise, and excitement. This was, without a doubt, the biggest accomplishment she's ever achieved and her career in the writing industry has barely even started. She wasn't even so sure how she's come so far in just under a year and a half, but she didn't ask too many questions.

But winning such a prestigious award means writing an exceptional acceptance speech, and the pressure is building on her by the second.

"I'm so nervous, Harry." Y/n confesses bashfully, her fingers twisting the ends of her sweatshirt sleeves. "I've never made a speech like this before. And in front of all those people I just—I don't know how I'm going to make it through without fainting."

And even though she's chuckling through her words, it's true. She's never been good at public speaking and Harry knows this full well. She's a nervous wreck whenever all the attention is on her and she's terrified that she'll humiliate herself in front of everyone, which is exactly why Harry intends on being there.

Although he would be there for her even if she didn't have to make a speech, he needs to make sure to keep her grounded. She needs a familiar face in the crowd to keep her on her toes, and he'd be an absolute idiot to not be the face she's looking at while she makes her first acceptance speech.

He frowns softly before pressing yet another kiss to the top of her head, his hands gripping her shoulders and thumbs digging into the tense spots. He always does this whenever she's stressed or nervous, and since she's preparing quite literally the biggest day of her life, she needs to take a couple of moments to relax now more than ever.

"Gosh, Y/n. You have no idea how proud I am of you." His fingers squeeze gently at her skin. "You're going to do amazing. And if you feel like you're going to faint, I'll be right there in the front row to remind you that you're okay."

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