Ice Skating With Harry

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"harry i swear to god! i am going to murder you."

"you say that every time, kitten, and look where we are now."

"oh, i am." harry chuckles to himself as he holds his arms out for you, waiting for your debut on the ice. "careful," he warns when you start to get up without tying up your laces yet, "you wouldn't want to hurt yourself before you get out there."

you roll your eyes, but lean down to tie up your skates anyway. "remind me why we're here again?" you stand up unsteadily, holding both of your arms out like a toddler learning how to walk for the first time.

harry takes your hand when you get to the entrance of the rink and pulls you towards his chest when you start to shrink away. "because you love me," he presses a cold kiss to your cheek, "and because it's fun. and it's what people do when it's snowing."

you murmur sarcastically under your breath, "when in new york!"

if harry had detected your slight passive aggression, he certainly didn't let it impact his mood. "come on," he ushers you out onto the ice as you start noticing the queue of people waiting to get on. "don't think, just skate."

and before you got the chance to remark on that ridiculous statement of his, he's skating towards the far end of the rink–with you in tow. "harry!" you shriek, not giving a damn about all the parents with kids nearby; after all, for all you knew, these could be your last moments. "slow down!"

but all your boyfriend of two years does is turn his head slightly to the side, flashes a cheeky grin, and keeps on skating farther and farther away.

"harry!" you exclaim for the fifteenth time. "will you please slow down?!"

"fine fine fine," he sing-songs. harry swirls around to face you, and you don't hesitate to wrap both of your arms around his neck. he grins and plants a kiss on your numb lips. "it's freezing cold and you still manage to be the hottest one here."

you squint at him skeptically and take a quick glance around. the rink is crowded with at least a hundred different couples trying to make the most of the weather. "have you seen yourself, styles?" you whisper-hiss. "if you weren't wearing that giant beanie and that scarf, women would be throwing themselves at you non-stop. and some men."

harry chuckles and it makes your stomach turn–as if you were hearing it for the first time. he intertwines his fingers with yours, and for a long, silent minute, he peers at you from beneath his beanie and above his scarf, his emerald orbs shimmering against the white snow.

finally, he clears his throat and asks, "do you want me to teach you how to skate?"

"i've been waiting for you to ask me that all day."

you hadn't imagined that it was possible to develop as many bruises on your legs as you had that afternoon. harry had been so supportive, picking you up every single time you made a not-so-graceful fall, and even refraining from a laugh when you would fail at an attempted spin.

but eventually, you both decided that it was both safer, and much more fun, skating around the rink in each other's arms, so that's what you did.

it was getting dark and a bit less crowded when harry pressed his lips against your temple and murmured, "let's go get a bite to eat. my ass is frozen."

"okay," you whisper back, wrapping an arm around his waist tightly. "i can't feel my fingers."

harry smiles a tired smile as he helps you over the blockade and onto a bench. you will never take sitting down for granted ever again. your boyfriend kneels down in front of you and grabs your right hand off of your lap.

you cock your head to the side as you watch him slowly lift your fingers to his mouth and begin kissing the tips. you giggle and he breathes, "getting warmer?"

you smile and cradle his cheek with your palm. "if i had known ice skating would make you extra affectionate, i would've brought you here ages ago."

"oh, if you think this is me being extra affectionate, you are in for a treat tonight."

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