Canyon Moon

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Everyone knew that Harry loved being cryptic. Nothing was ever straight with him, and cheekily he claimed that it was because he wasn't straight himself. When you fell pregnant with your daughter, he had suggested you hid it from the media up until her birth, and afterwards the pair of you had broken the internet from your own little pocket of the world back in London.

Goldie, affectionately nicknamed by your husband because of her soft yellow locks, had stolen the media's hearts soon after her birth. It was hard to go a week without ranting and raving about her newborn milestones, though Harry was particularly quiet about his life with the two of you up in England. That all changed after her six month birthday and she had spluttered out a broken apart, Dada.

His social media posting was scattered, a healthy amount of baby Goldie on his feed, though his camera roll was transferred to physical hard drives every few months. When he started writing again, just after Harry Styles was debuted, it was no shock that he had created a studio on the floor of your daughters nursery. Her Montessori toys had been shoved aside, replaced with sound boards and acoustic guitars.

Between late nights at the studio and early mornings in the nursery, Harry hadn't parted ways with his new album, lovingly deemed Fine Line. He had shared with you a few songs, though everything was tightly under wraps. Besides Jeff and Mitch, and a few other song writers, Goldie was the only one to hear every song in full. He got up with her every morning, letting you sleep in well after nine, and serenading her with acoustic versions of her favorite pieces.

Goldie was seventeen months old when Fine Line dropped and debuted number one. Fourteen and a half months dedicated to his sophomore album, he couldn't help but feel emotional when it was released to public criticism. You and Goldie were carried over into the album, his love and affection for his girls cryptically displayed for all to hear and dissect.

Your little love, sweet little Goldie, legally named Indie Anne Styles, was the star of the first track, and upon hearing it on a flight back home from Miami, your eyes watered and you had to take a few minutes to collect yourself. Canyon Moon had to be your favorite though. It was one of the few concepts he had shared with you after a night of magical love.

When tour started, Goldie was nineteen months and getting a grip on babbling. She wasn't saying much besides the basics, and even then it was gibberish to yours and Harry's ears. She was like him in every way. She loved cuddles, and her once blue eyes had turned a shade as complex as his own. Her hair was still clinging to it's blonde color, relieving your husband to great extents. He couldn't imagine a morning without his little blondie snuggling deep into his chest.

Harry was always soft for your daughter, which played to her advantage as she discovered crocodile tears. Her little lip would tremble every time she didn't get her way, or was unable to express what was wrong, and without fault Harry would scoop her up and smother her with cuddles and kisses. That's what Harry did best, defuse the tantrum with kisses and cuddles.


Goldie was a mess in your arms. The bows at the base of her pigtails were displaced, her lips and rosy cheeks were a mess of your lip-gloss from the thousands of kisses she requested, and her little hands refused to leave the neckline of Harry's pink suit.

Fine Line had begun touring months ago, and as promised you and Goldie had joined Harry over in the states after you finished a few shoots for Vouge. Being alongside your husband in the industry made everything easier, you're schedule flexible and light when you needed it to be. You would do anything to be home beside Goldie in the transformative years of her life, and you knew Harry would do the same, which is why his tour bus bedroom was completed with a crib and every venue was stocked with diapers and faux leather changing pads.

"Daddy has to go now, Goldie." You reminded the toddler gently, pulling the purple bow from her hair and clipping it to the neckline of your black shirt. You couldn't afford to lose another bow, unsure of how many sets you could have left. You were sure the number was down to single digits, and neither you or Harry had to time to scramble to the shops for hair accessories — even though your husband adored shopping for your little love, often buying her the most ridiculously priced name brand clothes and shoes.

"Dada." She mumbled, sleepy eyes looking over her fathers features with admiration. She leaned closer, pressing an open moth kiss to his chest. You were still working on the whole kissing concept, but you couldn't deny that her attempts were heart melting.

It took some coaxing and few tears, but you managed to separate the daddy daughter duo. Goldie had been cross with you for a few minutes, little lips pursed and face tucked into your neck, but after hearing the opening of the show through her yellow headset, she lifted her eyes and cooed.

Making your way side stage, you grinned at Harry. The pink suit was your favorite. It complimented his milky skin and brought out the green in his eyes. Your camera roll was overwhelmed with pictures of him in the suit, but recently you had added a snapshot of him and Goldie cuddled up backstage. Your daughter, who you had affectionately nicknamed monkey, had wormed her way into her daddy's hold and buried her little hands in his suit curiously.

"Dada." She mumbled. Your attention had been set on something in the distance, so you didn't notice your husband coming closer with a familiar playboy smirk on his lips. You followed her extended arms to your husband, a small smile on your lips.

He leaned forward when he was close enough, his sweaty lips on yours collecting whatever taste was left of your strawberry lip gloss. Between him and Goldie, you were sure it had been kissed off within five minutes of application.

"Hey, lovie." He smiled against your lips, bringing the baby into his arms when she began to whine for his attention. "Hi, my Goldie." He muttered affectionately, smoothing his hand over the baby's bare feet. He ticked them a bit, grinning at her belly laughs and squirms. "Mind if I steal her for the last song, Petal?"

"Have at it, lovie." You muttered back, smiling and waving at your daughter who was clinging to her fathers torso with a wide grin and tired eyes. She had exceeded her bedtime hours ago, but nothing could make Harry's night better then sleepy cuddles right after his show and having her fall asleep on his chest with you in his arms and the buzz of fans leaving the venues.

Harry shushed the excited crowd, fondling Goldie's back as she laid her head down on his shoulder sleepily. She looked so small in his arms, it made your heart ache at the sight of them. You couldn't wait to log into your socials later and see the snaps the fans had captured of your big and little loves.

"Can you say Hi, Goldie?" Harry asks your baby, holding the microphone up to her lips, but all she does is wave tiredly to the crowd. It was the sleepy wave you loved, her little hand opening and closing towards the sea of overexcited humans. Harry had created the best, most supportive environment for your daughter to grow up in, taking the kicking and screaming from closed minded media outlets with a level head. He was everything you wanted Goldie to look up to and more. "She's not very polite." He teased, looking down at the baby with such love you wondered how his heart could still beat. "We're still working on our manners."

"I have one more song for you!" He bellowed into the microphone, fixing the headphones over Goldie's ears when her wiggling moved them. "This is Canyon Moon!"

You hadn't even realized Harry had moved it to the end of his set, but your heart fluttered as his eyes met yours. The same charming smile worked its way onto his lips before he turned towards the microphone, giving his all to a song that bled his undying love for you and everything the two of you had built from scraps of rainbow dreams.

"Gotta see it to believe it, sky never looked so blue..."

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