Something New, Something Old || Part 2

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The drinks didn't help.

Harry was still here.

Chad, Rowan, and Justin all left for the dance floor a few minutes ago, and you had wanted to join them too, but Patrick was all too engaged in a conversation with Harry and you couldn't leave him alone for one second.

After all, he might spill everything.


"Hm?" You blink up at your boyfriend, your head a little dizzy from the alcohol running through your veins. "Did you say something?"

Patrick smiles a sloppy smile as he downs another glass of beer. "Not me. But Harry did." The corners of your lips sag down into a frown. "He asked if you wanted to go dancing."

You raise your eyebrows as Harry holds up two hands amusingly and says, "You just looked bored, that's all. I'm not trying to steal your girl, Pat, I swear." You almost choke at this. "Just take her for a short little spin around the room to test her capabilities as a dancer. I know how serious you are about your ballerinas."

Either Patrick was an extremely laid back dude or he was too dazed from the abundance of drinks because before you know it, Harry's dragging you out onto the neon floor. "Harry," you hiss once you both are safely hidden in the crowd. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"Dancing," he smirks as he drops both of his hands down to your waist. He scoffs at your scared expression. "Don't worry, kitten. This is a perfectly natural dancing stance."

"Don't call me that."

"What? Kitten?"

You wince again. "Yes. It brings back all sorts of...emotions."

Harry tears his green eyes away from you and you take this time to sneak a glance back at the table. Patrick is busy scrolling through his phone. You let out an invisible sigh of relief. "You look gorgeous tonight."


Harry has pulled you closer to him, and your hands, instinctively, fall to rest on top his chest. He lets out a small smile when he sees that you aren't pulling away. "I said you look gorgeous tonight. Especially in that dress. As you always do."

You pull away from him. "Harry, what are you doing?"

Your ex knits his eyebrows together in mock-confusion. "We're dancing, Y/N. Are you okay? Did you have too much to drink?"

Frustrated, you sigh, "Don't play that game with me. What are you doing, Harry? My boyfriend is right there and you're here calling me by that endearing name and pulling me close and licking your lips and wearing that shirt and—"

"I didn't wear this shirt for you."

"Yeah, well, I didn't wear this dress for you either."

"If I knew I was going to see you tonight, I wouldn't have shown up at all."

For a moment, you are stunned beyond words. You don't know how to react to that statement. Harry stares at you blankly, lips parting and closing as if he didn't know what to say either.

Finally, you settle on, "Same." And you turn around to make your exit.

"Wait. Hey, hey, wait up! Y/N!" You can hear him calling your name, but you keep pushing through the crowd of people, following the barely-lit neon sign that reads EXIT. Tears prickled at the corners of your eyes, and you mentally curse yourself.

You hated how Harry still had this kind of effect on you. One slightly hurtful phrase from him could still send you spiraling down the drain.

The fresh air didn't do much for your sadness, but the quiet did soothe your stomach. The queue of people had completely evaporated in the few hours that you had been cooped up in the dense basement, and you tilt your wrist to read that it was going on to one a.m.

"Y/N." You take a deep breath in as Harry's footsteps come to a stop beside you. He was panting, as if he had just been running. "Y/N, you know that I didn't mean it like that."

You roll your eyes and fold your hands across your chest. "Mean it like what, Harry? You didn't want to see me. You don't want to see me ever," you correct. "And that's fine. After all that we've been through, I get it."

Harry rolls his head from side to side before sighing, exasperatingly, "It's not that. Of course I want to see you. You will not believe how many times I scroll through old pictures of us. I have basically committed you to memory." His confessions make you sway a little. "What we had was was so impactful that even though we didn't work out, that doesn't mean you are no longer a huge part of my life. Because you are! I close my eyes and I see you. I drink a cup of coffee and I taste you. I turn on the radio and I hear you. It's not fair you know, the role you have in my life. It's not fair at all."

Harry's looking at you with expecting eyes. And you disappoint him. "What do you expect me to say, huh?" You begin to raise your voice. "What do you expect me to do? I won't tell you things that you don't already know! You already know that I cry myself to sleep sometimes when I see a new picture of you and one of your many new girlfriends. You already know that I play our old conversations back all the time in my head and wonder if I had said or done something different, we could be married right now and living in a beautiful white house in the French countryside. You already know all that! So what the hell do you expect me to say?"

You only manage to suck in a quick breath before Harry's kissing you. Kissing might not be the right word. He attacks your lips with his, his tongue battling yours ruthlessly and vigorously.

He tastes of whiskey and lime.

You could've tasted him for the rest of your life.

However, after a few seconds, he pulls away regretfully. He presses his forehead against yours. "I–" Harry starts.

But he doesn't get to finish, and you will never get to hear what he had to say, because Patrick's shadow is looming over the both of you. "WHAT THE HELL is going on?!"

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