Of The Jealous Kind

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"Oh, let's stop over there! I want to get one of those chocolate chip custard things," you exclaimed, spotting your favorite bakery stand at the farmer's market and dragging Harry along by your joined hands.

"A'right, love, m'comin," he laughed, trying to keep in step with your suddenly quickened pace.

It was a Sunday morning, cloudy but not too cold, and you and Harry were visiting your favorite farmer's market in town. You tried to come here at least twice a month if your schedules allowed it. Today, it just so happened, you both had the entire day free to spend with each other.

Harry knew you had to look at everything the bakery had to offer before you inevitably bought the same items as usual (a good, crusty country loaf and the same danish you never remembered the name of). There was a produce stand across the way that immediately caught Harry's eye, a "buy 2 get 1 free" sign atop a display of various berries calling out to him. You noticed his distraction, the two of you speaking at the same time.


"Go on, then."

"Know me so well, don't you?" He gave you a soft smile and pressed a kiss to your temple before heading off in pursuit of his beloved fruit.

You took the last few steps over to the booth's main table, which held a majority of the baked goods as well as this week's free sample: a garlic rosemary bread, cut into bite size pieces. You picked one up, on instinct taking a sidelong glance at the basket of your favorite pastries by the register, when the woman behind the counter finished ringing up a customer and turned to you.

"Can I help you with anything, hon?"

"Oh, um, I'm just looking," you answered, looking up at her. She must've been new, you thought, not recognizing her from your previous visits. She had dark hair, twisted up into a bun at the back of her head, an oversized t-shirt with a phoenix decal on it. Her name tag informed you that her name was Allie.

"Alright, well, I will say that's the best flavor we've got," she gestures to the small wedge still held between your fingers.

"Really? That's quite a bold statement," you smile back at her, appreciating her friendliness.

"You're gonna want to trust me on this one," she said, nodding at you to go ahead.

You took a bite, blushing a bit at the knowledge you were being watched and that she was awaiting your response. "Mhm," you agreed, around a mouthful of bread. "Okay, you're right, that's better."

"Thought so. I have been told I've got very good taste."

"Well, I'm not surprised."

She made eye contact with you, the hint of a smile playing on her lips. "So, will you be taking a loaf of the garlic rosemary then?" she asked.

"Yes, please." Why not try something new, you thought. And she was right, it was delicious. You're sure Harry would like it too, and you could just imagine the playful ribbing he was going to give you when he noticed you'd deviated from your usual order. "Oh, could I also get that-"

"The chocolate chip danish? I saw you eyeing it earlier," she said, picking one up with a gloved hand and placing it in a small paper bag. "That one's on the house."

"Oh, you're so sweet! Thank you." Allie was really on top of it with the customer service.

"Anytime," she said, "Anything else I can get you?"

"No, that's all for me! Thanks again."

She rang up your order, handing you the bag before speaking. "You know, we also come out to the beachside farmer's market on Wednesday's, if you're ever in the area. I'll write it down for you," she said, picking up a business card from a stack on the table and turning it over to write on the back.

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