Chapter 14

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A/N: This chapter is for readers who wants to know what happened to the hamster when Chapter 13 happened. If you skip this Chapter, I'll still summarise it in the next chapter. But a typical byulyi simp wouldn't skip this amirite~? (¬‿¬ )(points to self) I have a mini activity below if you read this chapter. ☆ ~('▽^人)

Moonbyul's POV

I stormed out of Prof. Solar's office with rage clouding my mind and vision. I'm aware of bumping into a few students in the hallway on my way towards the exit but I didn't bother to apologise I just want to get out of here as soon as possible.

Jennie had a knowing look when she saw me leaving the compound and stood right in front of me making me face her. I just sighed as she quietly walked us to the car and when we're both inside the car she didn't turn back from her driver seat and instead, looks at me from the rear mirror, "Where to? Doesn't seem like you'd want to go home."

I ignored Jennie's question completely and sat in the car with a blank expression. I wasn't thinking or doing anything, just being a stationary empty shell. Taken back by the sudden movement of the car Jennie finally breaks the silence, "I don't know what happened to you, but my shift is over. I'm driving us back to the station, so I hope you'd at least talk to Joohyun sunbaenim."

Looking out the window I realised we're now driving through road of streetlights and the sun has set. 'Hah hah... Even the real sun didn't want to see me.'

When we arrive, Jennie guided us towards the special unit office while I kept the bumping routine until officers cleared the path to avoid bumping into me. Just before we arrive, one officer didn't avoid me and held my shoulder tightly, stopping me on my track.

I looked up to see a girl in dark brown hair giving me a concern look. She tapped on my shoulder giving me an advice that initially sounded like a fact, but also serves a different meaning, pulling me back to reality, "Look ahead. Cause if you don't, you will hurt everyone around you including yourself and you will miss important details."

"I-I'm sorry. I was lost in thought." Her words finally snapping out of my trance.

"Eonni... Have you finally snapped out of it?" Jennie said, snapping her fingers at me which I replied with a nod. She turns to face the wise girl, "Sorry, Seulgi sunbaenim. She has been like this since we left the University."

Seulgi gave me an assuring smile. No words required, looking at her expression I knew I'm going to be okay. "I'm off to change shift with Lisa. See ya later!" she said as she jogs away.

We were greeted by Wheein who looks up from her screen as we enter the office, "Good work today, Jennie. And hello there lover girl~" she said turning her attention from Jennie to me wiggling her eyebrows with her cheeky smile.

I feel my face heating up and went to cover Wheein's mouth who is giving me a shock look at my action but later giggle removing my hands slowly, "Why are you being shy? Everyone here knows you like Solar eonni, for god's sake you are being too obvious. Only eonni is oblivious to it."

Jennie smiled as she pats my back then bowed to Wheein and left. Joohyun came over to hand me a glass of water which I took and spit it out when she asked, "lover's quarrel?" I wipe my mouth with a tissue that Wheein handed me as she laughed at Joohyun's unfiltered, spot-on question that hits the target.

"I reckon." Wheein said, "Doesn't seem like someone wants to go home either. Shall we hang out instead? I know a nice bar~" I was even baffled by her sudden invitation judging her with my eyes and she clearly reads my expression, "Ya! Don't judge me you hamster. Even police have a life, okay?"

Joohyun drove us to a jazz bar in Hannam-Dong and were seated with a clear view of Hannam Bridge by the Han River. Wheein poured us drinks, but stopped by Joohyun when she was about to pour on her glass, "Superintendent... Kindly be reminded I have a responsibility to drive your potentially drunk asses later."

We laughed and talked about almost anything that it didn't feel like our age gap matters, we just clicked. I allow myself to sit back and unwind enjoying the calming ambience, taking in every sound of glasses clinking together, bartender pouring shots and shaking cocktails, accompanied by Mamamoo song that starts to play in the background:

"Of all the things you could do, you just had to say those words
How do you perfectly understand me
My heart keeps melting"

I sang along especially the rap part, earning wows from my company. I like the rapper from Mamamoo, I even named my game ID after her 'MoonStar'. The song is then interrupted by Wheein's phone that has been vibrating on the table.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!..." She yells out just seconds after she picks it up her face went pale as she listens on until she ends it, "Stay put, I'll be there in 10mins."

"What happened, Wheein? Is everything okay?" I asked in a worried tone. My gut feeling tells me it's got something to do with me, I felt uneasy but Wheein tries to avoid my question as she put her phone in her bag attempting to leave but I blocked her path waiting for an answer.

"Officer Joohyun, please send Moonbyul back to Ggomo residence." Wheein ordered.

"Superintendent Jung, it seems urgent I can drive you. Where do we go?" Joohyun asked.

"OFFICER JOOHYUN! This. Is. An. Order." Wheein bellowed, making Joohyun flinch and nodded.

Before Wheein tries to push my stiffened body away, the television that was broadcasting the football games suddenly changed to a breaking news:

"Earlier this evening, 2 dead bodies were found in Itaewon Club. One is identified as the nation's richest man Mr. Ahn Jae-Mo. He was found seated on a sofa with several stab wound on his abdomen. The other body is still unidentified, but she is described as a lady in her late 20s, pink hair-"

My body froze landing my eyes on Wheein who is avoiding eye contact, "Is it her...?"

"We don't know yet-"

"Is it HER?! Is that why you are acting like this Wheein?" I didn't realise I was panting, my heart sank and palpitating rapidly. Tears fell uncontrollably, voices of Joohyun and Wheein are drowned with the ringing in my ears, I've completely lost control of my own body.

I snatch the car keys from Joohyun's hands and dashed out of the bar, driving it away without them, 'It can't be you, right? Tell me it isn't you. God please be fine... C'mon... Pick up... PICK UP THE FUCKING PHONE SOLAR!' I called her continuously until I arrived at Itaewon Club that is now bustling with reporters, police cars and ambulance.

(End of Chapter 14)


Yea... I know it's boring flashback of what happened to Moonbyul. To be continued.

P.S. Can you guess which song is it? Comment and vote! <3 Thank you for reading <3!

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